• Lauchs@lemmy.world
    26 days ago

    Yes, romance novels are popular, relative to the dying publishing industry. In terms of money per industry, there’s no comparing online porn to smut novels though.

    Basically, all you’ve been able to claim is that you have known some ladies you feel are as horny as you think average guys are and no amount of “okay, let’s see if this holds up in the world beyond your perception of a handful of people” will change your mind. It’s kind of wild in a silly little way.

    I’m super curious if there’s any evidence anyone could present that would change your mind?

    Edit: Was curious, turns out global pornography (all genders) is worth somewhere between 10 and 97 billion annually. In comparison, the entire romance novel industry is worth about almost 1.5 billion.



    • pebbles@sh.itjust.works
      26 days ago

      What would prove it to me? Good question it’d have to be grounded. I don’t like to claim I know things I can’t know. Who’s hornier is just such a tough question. Everyone experiences hornyness in different ways and we can’t really order them or make equivalences easily.

      Basically there’d have to be a good definition of “this action equals this much hornyness” and I haven’t seen anything presented that can measure that in a satisfactory way.

      I mean I could draw a hot picture for myself for free and that wouldn’t be counted in the frame “horniness is measured in money”. I really am not convinced by the money stats. Sex is often free.

      I really don’t think we have the tools to answer this question. At least I haven’t seen them.

      Edit: spelling

      • Lauchs@lemmy.world
        25 days ago

        I mean, yes, sex is often free but if one gender is willing to pay significantly more it seems like a pretty reasonable indicator that one gender values/desires sex more.

        I dunno, just seems like you are very much determined that something is true with zero evidence. Some people have religion, you have this belief. Except with religion, there’s not reams of physical evidence you’ve decided to disregard because you dislike the conclusions they represent.

        • pebbles@sh.itjust.works
          25 days ago

          Homie idk how many times I gotta say it. I’m agnostic to who’s more horny. I get why I seem stubborn.

          You can believe what you want. Your evidence is too indirect to convince me.

          I really think we’re arguing slightly different things though. Like it is even important for me say wealth inequality in the world means that sex spending better represents rich countries interests? Therefore has a very very large cultural bias. Not abstact, real cultures are different. Lots of people are unaccounted in your metric, and lots of peope are extremely over counted.

          I can be convinced, you just haven’t done it. I am not confident the data is out there. Spending definitely has too many flaws to be a good indicator.

          • Lauchs@lemmy.world
            25 days ago

            Like it is even important for me say wealth inequality in the world means that sex spending better represents rich countries interests?

            Okay, can you then admit that in rich countries, it appears that men are, on average, hornier than women?

            • pebbles@sh.itjust.works
              25 days ago

              I agree that it can look like that at a glance, but why would we expect spending to reflect horniness when sexual expression is less accepted for women in many rich countries? Can you say to what degree that affects it? They may feel just as much hornyness and express it more privately. How can you be confident?

              I admit, that if you look at the economic you presented, men spend more on sexual stuff. That is a fine conclusion. But it says very little to me about who is more horny.

              • Lauchs@lemmy.world
                24 days ago

                They may feel just as much hornyness and express it more privately. How can you be confident?

                Great question! If only there were some means to access sexual material in the privacy of one’s home. Some sort of world wide web that allowed users to access pretty much their heart’s desire online… Wait a minute, that exists! And (unsurprisingly) mozt of the sexual material skews heavily male.

                For your proposition of equal horniness to be true, one of two must be true: A)women are so repressed they don’t even want sexual materials in which case, even if it’s cultural and not biological, women are functionally less horny or B) they are so terrified that someone will bust in and search their web history which seems kind of a bizzare amount of repression.

                • pebbles@sh.itjust.works
                  24 days ago

                  For your proposition of equal horniness to be true, one of two must be true: A)women are so repressed they don’t even want sexual materials in which case, even if it’s cultural and not biological, women are functionally less horny or B) they are so terrified that someone will bust in and search their web history which seems kind of a bizzare amount of repression.

                  This is an extremely uninspired list. Let me help.

                  1. Women could be put off from watching porn when first introduced due the male centered industry and generally less acceptance of their sexual expression leading to longer term differences in how they get their fix.
                  2. The smut industry while not as lucrative could produce more sexual stimulation per dollar. I know there is a lot of pirating in the smut community. And books take a while to get through.
                  3. Porn sites may not capture gender from their user base perfectly.
                  4. Again, there are a lot of ways to get off for free. Any women could get on a dating app and get their fix in half a day.
                  5. Women centered porn sites may not make as much per view.

                  I could keep going, but its becoming more work. My point is that there is way too much wiggle room in the money argument. You just can’t account for how our culture affects their expression unless you’ve studied it.

                  Economics is much better for studying how money moves. Idk why we would use it to try and generalize the experiences of a group. It is exceptionally indirect and biased. It is a silly thing to use as a foundation for that kind of belief.

                  Edit: removed snarky comment, I was feeling a bit hot

                  Edit: just stumbled on this video, but its whole point is about how the different genders interact with sex differently: https://youtu.be/Qfpj5qQr9KA

                  • Lauchs@lemmy.world
                    24 days ago

                    You might just be too online to remember the comment to which you are responding which was:

                    I think strip clubs are the counterpoint to “both sexes are equally horny.”

                    You also haven’t even given a thesis statement just, “I dunno can’t say who’s hornier” even though your initial position was in fact

                    Women are very capable of being horny for horny’s sake.

                    I mean, I’m not arguing that women can’t or don’t get horny, that’s fucking silly. What I’ve said all along was that I don’t think both genders are equally horny and on the basis of the evidence, it seems like guys are hornier. You can whine about the evidence but you’ve produced nothing to the contrary besides a bunch of complaints that range from tenuous to outright silly. It’s pretty easy to complain about evidence, especially without having to reference reality so much as random hypotheticals. Anyhow, for a last time and for funsies, I’ll laugh through these claims but then I think I’m done. It’s not like this is particularly productive, nor have you made anything close to a compelling point and you seem to have way more spare time than I do. I’m happy to engage with folks but this “NANANANANANANANAANANANANANANA NOTHING CAN BE PROVEN” isn’t a particularly interesting position.

                    Anyhow, here are your “points” but with logic/jokes.

                    1. "ahhh, women are put off by porn and in the entire world, no one has figured out how to get them back or build websites catered to them. (Even though such websites exist, and are just much smaller.)

                    2. Yes, women only like books. And piracy only affects books.

                    3. Cool. And this affects how most porn is hetero based with the idea you want to see naked women, how? Like, most people running these sites are too dumb to figure out they have another market?

                    4. “Hey, I’ve accidentally disproven my argument! When I was arguing that women are afraid to go to strip clubs, on dating apps etc and this is why people think women aren’t as horny, I actually meant, any woman who wants to can easily go out and get laid.” Ya can’t have it both ways. Either most women don’t want as much online stuff because it’s so easy and acceptable to go out in the real world and get laid OR they aren’t out in the real world indicators of horniness because of society/fear/etc.

                    5. This might take the cake for the least thought through “point.” Like, everyone in porn is so uniquely bad at business that they’ve decided women are invaluable despite the plethora of online websites aimed at women.

                    Have a good day.