I don’t think I’ve made a post on here about food, so here goes! 😃
I’ll go first…I just love eating uncooked pasta. It has such a satisfying crunch and the tomato pasta and wholewheat pasta are my faves! This has been a habit that I’ve had ever since I’ve had teeth and people are always surprised that I haven’t damaged my teeth doing this. I enjoy pasta cooked too!
I give my kiwis a good rinse and sorta “scrub” their skin (is it called a peel on kiwis?)with my palms before I bite into them skin and all like am apple. I have had more than one person audibly gasp and ask me what the hell I’m doing when they see me eating kiwis that way.
The spoon and digging as a kid was fun, but as an adult the time lost to cutting and spooning kiwi flesh from its skin just isn’t worth it. And if a kiwi is properly ripe anyway the bitter skin actually contrasts the sweet fleshy insides quite nicely.
This is the objectively correct way to eat kiwis whether society is ready or not.
I am ready. You are ready. I think it’s time. We now eat kiwis with the
skinpeel still on.Cannibalism?! Oh my god why the heck would you treat New Zealanders that way?!
It’s only cannibalism if you’re from New Zealand.
The skin on kiwis is high in oxalates, so if you are prone to kidney stones, be careful.
Well now I’m terrified. Am I about to be pissing gravel?
Sorry to scare you. I’m not by any means a doctor, but from what I understand it tends to be an issue more with people who are already predisposed. So it’s probably not something most people have to be too concerned about.
Unfortunately you put the idea in my mind so now I’ll never be able to enjoy a kiwi again lol.
I am petrified of kidney stones. It’s why I stopped drinking energy drinks almost entirely. Every time I drink one I am reminded of my doctor telling me that those drinks are dangerous to drink often and part of that is the significant increased chances for kidney stones.
I appreciate you letting me know though. Better to have knowledge and have it changed your habits vs being blissfully unaware all the time. Though being blissfully unaware does seem awful tempting these days…
Oxalates and oxalic acid are common in a lot of different foods. Anything that has the little tart taste like arugula generally contains it. So its in a large number of fruits and vegetables a lot of which are delicious. As long as you are drinking liquids on a regular basis and aren’t eating something like Yellow Wood Sorrel daily which is super high in oxalic acid you will be fine.
Oh no not the yellow wood worrel! My favorite late night snack!
Jk. Thanks for the additional context. Yeah I did a little more research on the stuff and I am less worried now lol. I drink a lot of water every day and I only have things like kiwis on random occasions. Never a consistent thing.
I’ve been doing some native / foraged foods and they always have disclaimers about plants high in oxalates might cause kidney stones. They wild grown foods typically contain 10 to 100 times more concentrated vitamins, minerals and other both helpful and unhelpful components per ounce than traditional vegetables.
The real issue isn’t the kidney stones but that oxlatic acid is an anti-nutrient that stops the body from absorbing calcium. But there is not issue unless you eat in large quantities daily. It grows in my yard as a weed so I like to eat some of it while I am weeding. Its delicious and besides its anti-nutrient effect on calcium pretty healthy for you.
It’s a peel
By the way, if you run a knife down the peel and cut into it around the kiwi and then again at a 90° angle, you can just peel the skin off. Very easy.
Yeah but all that work just for me to lose out on nutrients. I’ll just watch the thing whole.