I don’t think I’ve made a post on here about food, so here goes! 😃

I’ll go first…I just love eating uncooked pasta. It has such a satisfying crunch and the tomato pasta and wholewheat pasta are my faves! This has been a habit that I’ve had ever since I’ve had teeth and people are always surprised that I haven’t damaged my teeth doing this. I enjoy pasta cooked too!

  • IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    1 month ago

    Reminds me of Spanish ‘Manchego’ cheese. It’s a semi hard gourmet cheese in most commercial places and it has a slight strong flavour. During a holiday once in the south of Spain, we went searching for authentic Manchego cheese in the Sierra mountains of Andalusia. The cheese we found was a very strongly flavoured hard cheese that was the consistency and taste of hot weathered plastic. Strangely enough, combined with strong Spanish onion slices and it was delicious … and then mixing it again with strong Chorizo sausage, specifically the ones they make in the mountains which taste like well worn and sweated gym socks and it was a whole other thing to get accustomed to.