• the antifas have just one entrance for both boys and girls can you believe it i bet they dont even have a dress code
  • ever noticed how vegans are always acting all horti like theyre better than us well that part of their culture isnt just embraced they actively cultivate it
  • ever heard of epstiens island yeah pure projection propaganda funded by soros himself
  • i heard that to be a member of antifa you have to get an abortion to prove youre willing to kill
  • FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    I’m just over here wishing that antifa were half the threat that right-wing nutjobs pretend they are. There was a time when publicly identifying oneself as a nazi would get you run out of a city by a few hundred-thousand people, but Americans lack those principles.

    Meanwhile they’re watching an unelected bureaucrat literally steal billions of taxpayer dollars because he wears a red jersey. And for added measure, the douche carries a four year-old around as a human shield and nazi salutes in public.