Just to be clear here, I have no problem with people who have sex frequently without commitment, my problem with people who invented sexual commodities.

It’s like if someone went and created a friend renting service and that service became viral, that will fuck up the society kind of the same way because you took something that should be formed normally or in social events and turned it into a transaction to turn 2 strangers into friends.

As a extra note, I miss the days where the NSFW spaces online was not a marketplace for sex products and services.

  • Diplomjodler@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    In German the sex business is called “das älteste Gewerbe der Welt”, i.e. the oldest business in the world. So you’ll have to go pretty far back to find the people who invented that stuff.

  • snooggums@lemmy.world
    10 days ago

    It was also one of the first things, which is why prostitution is sometimes called the world’s oldest profession.

    It does suck that nsfw spaces intended for people to share themselves for fun are drowned out be those trying to make money off it, but sharing it for free is a more recent thing than the monetization.