Since India and the PRC are geopolitical rivals, and India is home to a lot of Tibetan Independence activists actually quite likely to be India I’d think.
If you ascribe to the idea that the Dalaï Llama is/was a cia operative, and a sort of bridge/conduit between the interests of East and West, this sets up quite the “lottery” for where power may shift.
Because his followers are quite far and wide, not just of “race” (and I use that very loosely), it creates a very powerful base that will follow a sort of leader.
Interesting timing, especially since his long time friend the Aga Khan just passed away.
Theres only so many places with concentrations of tibetan buddhists. it wont be India, china, or tibet. That leaves Mongolia or Russia.
Since India and the PRC are geopolitical rivals, and India is home to a lot of Tibetan Independence activists actually quite likely to be India I’d think.
My insane prediction:
The next Dalai Lama will be born to the one random Tibetan Buddhist family living in a small town in rural Alabama.
Of course, is I was the Lama, I would throw a curve ball and come back as transgender Nigerian woman, just to mix things up.
unlikely, he clearly said, free world.
If you ascribe to the idea that the Dalaï Llama is/was a cia operative, and a sort of bridge/conduit between the interests of East and West, this sets up quite the “lottery” for where power may shift.
Because his followers are quite far and wide, not just of “race” (and I use that very loosely), it creates a very powerful base that will follow a sort of leader.
Interesting timing, especially since his long time friend the Aga Khan just passed away.