Wisconsin is one of the swingiest swing states. Wisconsin’s electoral votes went to Trump, Biden and Trump in the last 3 presidential elections by extremely narrow margins (just a percent or two each time) and they’ve had governors races decided by hundreds of votes in recent years. Every election in Wisconsin is hard to predict other than the hyper-local ones, especially after the court-ordered redistricting away from the Republican-drawn super-gerrymandered districts
Electoral votes do not represent a state’s population
Where did Wisconsin’s electoral college votes go to? I’m guessing they wanted this.
Wisconsin is one of the swingiest swing states. Wisconsin’s electoral votes went to Trump, Biden and Trump in the last 3 presidential elections by extremely narrow margins (just a percent or two each time) and they’ve had governors races decided by hundreds of votes in recent years. Every election in Wisconsin is hard to predict other than the hyper-local ones, especially after the court-ordered redistricting away from the Republican-drawn super-gerrymandered districts
Electoral votes do not represent a state’s population