
  • KeskM
    1 year ago

    Sorry for being this late, my pet ant died, I had to gather all family members aka all from his species for a funeral. I was not successful.

    These are your cards:

    I know very beautiful cards, what can I say, we have all the best.

    Numerological value of your reading is : 9 - 4 - 50 = 63 = 9

    Well, you are one simple bungle of joy.

    Number 9 is a number of completion and also a number of planet Mars. So, yours favorite is: roll the credits or go home.

    Anyways… you want to either wrap up some things or get to know an information on instant.

    First card is called a Treasure Island which indicates a person who seeks an instant gratification, usually indicates everybody’s favorite question, where is the money. But, a problem is that your number 63 says something else. A suspicion.

    Second card is called a Higher Power, which complicates a situation further:

    • you may be relying on things that you can’t control
    • or you are sticking a nose where you shouldn’t

    Third card is called No place like home, which indicates that:

    • you should stay with the things that you are familiar with, you know well and you know how they work, but most of all, these things don’t piss you off. Mars energy is extremely assertive, and you dislike when things are not in your control or if you are made uncomfortable
    • It also means that whatever information you are interested into, sometimes some things should remain secrets

    Conclusion - your reading, your problem

    Disclaimer - I am here for a cake