• seaQueue@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I mean, gestures wildly at everything

    Climate change, rampant (and increasing) income inequality, treating employees like disposable parts, govt handouts to the wealthy in the trillions over the last decade, healthcare costs, rent?

  • nevemsenki@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    My country has become a practical dictatorship, and I’ve realised that people living here are not only ok with that but are happy that decisions are made for them. I miss the days I believed in people.

  • xkforce@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    You cant bike around town safely anymore because a lot of the empty land around town was developed and now has a lot more traffic. There are several crosses on the side of the road dedicated to dead cyclists.

    The trees that my friends and I used to play on at school when we were kids are fenced off.

    The lake that my grandfather and I used to fish at is now off limits because it was choked to death with algae due to fertillizer runoff pollution.

    We didn’t need to have active shooter drills, metal detectors or safe rooms in school.

    The cost of housing has more than doubled adjusted for inflation. Wages have not kept pace.

    When I was a kid, the bullying stayed mostly at school. Now bullies can torment you 24/7.

    Embarassing moments live forever because the internet never forgets.

    In the early 90’s Dan Quayle was roasted for “correcting” a child’s correct spelling of potato. Now we’ve got congress critters running around that are worried about “jewish space lasers” starting forest fires.

    LAN parties and split screen gaming died with a wimper. Singleplayer only games require a constant internet connection. Games are often a buggy mess at release because they can be patched after the fact.

    Malls are basically dead.

    Before cell phones, you weren’t expected to be reachable 24/7. Hell there used to be “its 10 pm. Do you know where your children are?” commercials because kids and teens weren’t kept on a short leash as much. Parents couldn’t just call you wherever you were.

  • wondrous_strange@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Got a lot more crowded, expensive and exhausted. You see humans everywhere you go. Stuff gets more expensive, but quality keeps declining both in products and in services for all that is quality of life related or crucial(housing, food, transportation…)

    When I was born there were less than 5 bill humans on earth, now it’s over 8. I can feel it constantly and in everything.

    The trajectory doesn’t seem so great to me.

    There are some aspects that are better, but I don’t feel they compensate for the things we have lost. I also feel that growing up today is a lot harder than it was when i was growing up.

    • 1rre@discuss.tchncs.de
      2 months ago

      You see humans everywhere you go

      I don’t know if it’s that unless you live in Nigeria, India, SEA etc.

      In high income countries, the cities have grown in population and there’s fewer people in rural areas, so sure you’re going to see people in cities in urban areas and in touristy rural areas during common vacation times, but that’s been the case for ages and for the rest of the time there’s still plenty of easily accessible places where you can get away from people.

      There’s also people capitalising on people wanting to be away from humans so they advertise “retreats” which are full of other humans, but just don’t go there and camp in the middle of nowhere instead and there won’t be humans for miles around

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    2 months ago

    Social media broke everyone’s brains and the orange man made freaks feel safe letting loose with all their worst instincts.

  • dan1101@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    I think overall about half the population is smarter and more tolerant.

    However we haven’t done much to combat climate change and suburban sprawl is worse than ever.