I saw another thread talking about dreams, I’ve had less than a handful of dreams throughout my life.

Do you dream? Every night?

  • s38b35M5@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    I dream in a fashion that I “experience” the dream and remember it later, but only around the changing of the seasons. For instance, in Central America where I live, were transitioning into the rainy season soon. I’ve been dreaming so vividly for the pas two weeks, and only started feeling rested two nights ago.

    In a week or so, that will taper back to rarely remembering ant dreams, and not surface again until October or November when our dry season starts again. (Disclaimer: we haven’t had a rainy season with rain the past two Yeats, but we still call it the rainy season)

    When I lived in New England, it was the same, but four times a year, and most pronounced in the fall-to-winter and spring-to-summer transitions.

    That’s not to say I never dream outside of those times, but rarely remember, and not consecutively. Last night I had one dream from 3am to 7am. I woke up once and used the bathroom and easily returned to the same dream, albeit subdued.