Musician, mechanic, writer, dreamer, techy, green thumb, emigrant, BP2, ADHD, Father, weirdo


  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • And here I am, divorced and never marrying again, lucky to be dating the same girl for eight years. And then there’s that one day every few years where she runs out of her meds and begins believing I’m plotting against her when I ask how her mom is doing that I think, “I’m super glad I didn’t get married again so I can just walk away if this shit lasts more than a few days.”

    That’s love. Staying with someone, not because you’re married and a divorce is a huge legal hassle, but because they haven’t freaked all the way the fuck out yet.

    PS, make friends with your pharmacist, fellow BPSOs. Make sure they keep those mood stabilizers and antipsychotic in stock.

  • You’ve got me thinking about it, but I still just come back to, “this doesn’t affect me.” But it would affect me if LW was to defederate, which has already been discussed dozens of times in the past. If I look at the ML modlog, I just don’t see evidence of what is being claimed beyond this incident. Rule 1 is being misused and a mod or mod team are being assholes. That sucks. I don’t think it means that the posts and/or visibility of content of thousands are at risk in the way being presented.

    currently 1,019 upvotes vs. 92 downvotes […] suggests that most users who are aware of the issue do care.

    I equate that more to the crowd yelling, “yeah!” more so than carefully considered agreement.

    Thank you for having this discussion. I’ll continue to ruminate on it. If it means anything, when I read the OP by SpaceCadet, I subbed to LW or other large-ish communities for the ones I follow at ML in hopes that they grow.

  • I appreciate your reply. I agree with the principals and ideals, but I just don’t get worked up over every bit of outrage out there. I used to be a real worked up individual, willing to throw everything I’ve got at anything that didn’t fit with my ideals, but I’m older now, and sometimes I want places where I don’t have to fight for every inch of ground.

    I don’t disagree that the mod actions are worth highlighting. I disagree that defederation is the first and only solution. It reads to me like some users argued with mods about topics known to be hot-button over there, on a post guaranteed to be controversial, and a temporary ban occurred. That action and its reach is worth discussion.

    I don’t agree that the users should go to the biggest lemmy instance and try to soap box their POV in order to trigger user outrage in hopes that they pressure the admins to enact some vengeance on an entire instance in the form of defederation. I disagree even more since the source of the outrage is not a user at LW, and wouldn’t be affected in any way by the proposed defederation. What they really want is for their subbed communities to move away from ML.

    SpaceCadet coming here suing for defederation is barely different to me than the mod that banned them from unrelated communities. “Someone I disagree with did a thing I don’t like and I want to flex on them,” is what I see from my POV. I don’t care they got banned. It seems like a foregone conclusion that would happen there, and I’ve known that since the first fifty posts about how Dessalines and Nutomic behave (on social media and on github) were posted.

    If I follow their weird rules, I won’t get banned. The implicit rules include not talking shit about topics cleansed by glorious fascist leaders? OK. I don’t care. I have no interest in changing the hearts and minds behind the eyeballs on ML. I’m not on a crusade to fix the world one post at a time. I’m browsing while my game loads, or the water boils, or on the bus.

    What I care about is a few idealistic users posting picture evidence of a clear power-trip ban and expecting admins to defederate. That’s the corruption of the marketplace of ideas. Silencing the entire instance for thousands. For all we know, half the users on LW would like to learn more about their point of view, if only to dismiss it as wacky and untenable, but not only do they lose that opportunity, they lose the opportunity to engage with unrelated communities, of which there are several that are more active than anywhere else.

    At the end of the day, its a lot easier for anyone up in arms about this to block and move on than the workarounds required for the majority who don’t care and want to stay engaged in the communities they are subbed to. They’d have to make accounts elsewhere, or even at ML.

    Call me apathetic, but I just don’t care about this fight.

  • As a user subbed to multiple communities there, I never see this stuff. Ever. I stay far, far away from news and current events though. I actively seek news from sources, not aggregation platforms.

    I would prefer to have the option to interact with those communities rather than have a few users brigade the admins into defederating. There’s a reason one of the SCOTUS cases that is cited as binding precedent in freedom of speech cases relates to the distribution of Communist propaganda. The marketplace of ideas is meant to be freely available to all, not curated by the most opinionated or noisy.

  • s38b35M5@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldDo you dream? How often?
    2 months ago

    I dream in a fashion that I “experience” the dream and remember it later, but only around the changing of the seasons. For instance, in Central America where I live, were transitioning into the rainy season soon. I’ve been dreaming so vividly for the pas two weeks, and only started feeling rested two nights ago.

    In a week or so, that will taper back to rarely remembering ant dreams, and not surface again until October or November when our dry season starts again. (Disclaimer: we haven’t had a rainy season with rain the past two Yeats, but we still call it the rainy season)

    When I lived in New England, it was the same, but four times a year, and most pronounced in the fall-to-winter and spring-to-summer transitions.

    That’s not to say I never dream outside of those times, but rarely remember, and not consecutively. Last night I had one dream from 3am to 7am. I woke up once and used the bathroom and easily returned to the same dream, albeit subdued.

  • And many, many mobile apps out there, except this one is the bad one, because: China.

    My point is that meaningful privacy legislation would stop all apps from doing this with our data, but we have legislators who only pretend to care if a bogeyman has access to the data, and forget the part where any adversary could simply buy the data on the open data market.

    I’m personally less interested in China having access to my daily movements than I am my own government, which includes states that are trying to criminalize going to certain medical providers.

    I’d prefer if nobody had access, but I can see through the charade. These legislators are invested in technology that competes with China, and that collect and sell our data, so they prefer to keep things the way they are and pick winners and losers.