And all the beta males come in and try to say that there is no such thing as alpha males just because they aren’t one oh my God this shit is so fucking hilarious

  • SJ0
    1 year ago

    It’s been something that really stuck with me when I was learning about the fall of the Roman empire.

    The Romans likely thought that they were going to end up controlling all of europe, and even if the empire fell they would still end up in charge of everything because they were just so much more advanced than everyone else. Instead, it ended up being the barbarians who came in and basically took over the whole of Europe because unlike the Romans who had become folded in on themselves, The barbarians had to understand how to survive in reality.

    It’s really frustrating for the people who continue to live in reality, but in the same way, I think the people who choose to remain in reality will ultimately triumph.

    • splinterA
      1 year ago

      That’s a good comparison, I think it speaks to the cycle of empires in general.

      Towards the end of the Roman empire, Rome itself had more foreigners than Romans.

      Every empire eventually reaches a decadence phase, and it’s reasonably predictable. The Greeks for example became obsessed with sexuality, homosexuality and pedophilia.