I always try to direct people to these alt tech platforms. Never gotten anyone to come… But I think that this will change as censorship and control of information grows tighter.

The thing I am most concerned about is beating the censors and the general thrust against human rights and democracy.

This site is so small, but it represents the effort at decentralizing and spreading out how we communicate and taking it out of the hands of not just government censorship, but also out of the hands of oligarchs that have means of canceling and waging economic warfare on people IRL.

To me, this is no longer about left/right or any kind of identity, it’s about those who really value freedom qua freedom and those who are supporters of soft totalitarianism, either wittingly or unwittingly.

  • splinterA
    5 months ago

    It’s funny how our motivation for HC is fundamentally so basic, all we want is a place where we can have fun and talk freely about whatever. When everything is censored and political, simply talking freely is an act of defiance.

    I think our biggest advantage is that we have no guiding interests or agenda.

    I’m glad you feel good about this place, Alice and I do too. We have a good group of people here. Hopefully more will join us eventually, but I’m ok with it either way.