For me:

  • shaving with a safety razor

  • film photography

  • writing with a fountain pen

  • AliceMA
    1 year ago

    Yeah I mean like I was taught that you know I mean that’s your fucking signature it’s in cursive it’s not just a regular fucking letter or letters like you’re writing and sign in your mortgage with a crayon you know. And that’s how resumes used to be back in the day people used cursive you know because it was professional. Thank you yeah I had my mom teach me when I was young in middle school because like you know when you grow up without? I’m like you know what? If I can’t afford to have it I’ll just fucking make it you know so I made a lot of shit and I also like clothes and purses a specific way like sometimes I’ll find like the most perfect purse I’ve been fucking looking for and then the strap on it will be like ugly as fuck so I’m like okay I’m going to cut that off and attach another handle from a different person I have that would match just perfectly