Someone let your dawgs out? Who?
That you on the far left?
Placeholder for an answer to a question you will ask tomorrow.
Thanks! Yeah it has been a while.
Cause I was fired from the Twix factory 😢
I think it’s mostly rooting for certain jobs that are predominantly populated by annoying people: artists, translators, that kind of stuff.
I can’t imagine anyone wanting AI medical care or legal counseling.
She hates it. She has thin hair that knots easily so even with a good brush it pulls on her skin.
Work. 😑 Just finished brushing my dog. She’s a pain the ass about it.
Some creature living at the bottom of the Marianas Trench
Should work out of the box on any distro being an intel card. I’m not familiar enough with Fedora to really help with that.
Who makes the Wi-Fi card? You might need their firmware installed. All the major makers are usually included by default though. Like intel or Realtek should just work.
A bit of an odd choice but I’ve had good experience with openSUSE microOS. It is an immutable OS so when it updates it’s all in one big update kind of like a mobile phone. Keeps it stable and keeps it from building up cruft like a lot of OSes.
Don’t use it if you don’t like flatpak apps though. And it only has Gnome or KDE flavors. It just works for me though.
But how do we know if this is a true story?