Splinter gave me this idea about card readings for public figures, and I received pretty good feedback from others as well on the same topic. So, I did something about it.

Now, not only that I write those in here, I also have a full fledged YT channel that I don’t do alone, and that one is receiving some really good traffic.

I will write about statistic later in comments.

I have a crew, but they also do other stuff and they have life and daily obligations.

I also have another channel, in fact a few of them, but I am in dire need of time, will, persuasion and support. In short, I need a miracle.

That’s what I have been doing in my free time lately. If you wonder where have I been this long.

Now, my darlings, not only I will read a list of things that you give me, or list of celebrities, you will help me to commit an ‘atrocious crimes’ over there. I’m joking, it’s for fun, it is nothing serious.

YT is garbage bin but things are going just fine for me, I am not publishing anything toxic or weird.

What I need? What do you get? Ideas, questions, reactions, clout, plus entertainment and something fun to do. Anything goes. I like trying new stuff.

I don’t do live readings, but I do slideshows, music and animations. I am still learning and testing what works the best, so it is not a pro level.

I got some of those readings done for me, and I have intro and outro music also done by somebody else.

I also need to buy an animation software to make better visuals, so maybe you can advise me in that direction too.

If you are interested, I will send you a link to that channel in a message.

I know that Alice is going to jump in that mess right away, and Splinter can read everything from a backend. I have no issues with that at all.

I don’t have a desire to discuss channel’s NAME in public, but I have no problem that we discuss anything else about it in here. Other things keep in messages, please. I don’t need trace back, I want to keep it the way it is.

  • KeskOPMB
    8 months ago

    Ok, now a fun stuff. Just for you to get a feeling what kind of a fish is this.


    I didn’t do anything there for a week, so production actively lasted for two weeks, I gained 48 watch hours and 25 followers. I am getting anywhere between 100 and 300-ish views per day. 14 videos including one short.

    Traffic. It is based solely on one topic, so it means that a channel’s prospects for future are going to crash, burn and implode upon itself.

    Content. Garrrrrbage. I need evergreen content, which I don’t have. I have to fix it. That, or bomb shells each day.

    Audience? Very sexy, same as the channel.
    Based on Studio analytics 97% predominantly female between 25 and 64 years of age.

    Feedback? A few, mostly from mentally challenged and demon possessed, but I love them all equally. We are that sort of a channel, so no problem there.

    Last requested reading? From a resident nut twat which I also stealth kiwi-bombed, fun never ends there, but I have to set her free ( for now). I also gained a few followers off her skin and views are just piling up.

    • splinterA
      8 months ago

      This sounds fucking hilarious, I can’t wait to check it out.

      Very healthy stats too especially since you just started. Bomb shells often is probably the way to go, but I don’t know anything about making it big on YouTube.

      • KeskOPMB
        8 months ago

        I investigated everything before I started. And I had to dish it out to others. They are 50/50 enthusiastic. Guys think it is a joke, but it is fine as long it drives traffic. Otherwise it is ridiculous to put too much time or effort into it.

        To make it big, I don’t know, this is for now a very narrow topic. And personally I never did something like this. Usually just translations and tutorials. That’s why I constantly learn some sort of a language, and I do repairs so making tutorials is ok. I am also leeching off a few social networks, that one is so slow. Social marketing requires attention, and my focus is everywhere but there. Stull didn’t create any TikTok presence, that might bring younger audience.

        • splinterA
          8 months ago

          You’re right about social marketing needing attention.

          I guess there are some things you can do to game people a little bit, for example attention spans are short so you need to keep the video moving all the time. I really liked the videos, I think they’re great. I think the main thing you can do to improve right now is to actually voice the readings, I think that would go a very long way.

          I think TikTok is indeed for the younger crowd, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

  • splinterA
    8 months ago

    This is awesome, I’m really glad you did this and it’s going well for you!

    I am interested, please send me a message with the name if you’re comfortable with that.

    I think @Alice can give you some suggestions about animation software, she tries a lot of them.

    • KeskOPMB
      8 months ago

      I sent you a message. Yes! I saw Alice doing voice overs and animations.

      I in fact tried voice changer app myself, but video turned out sounding stupid and distorted. I was told it is fine, because I can deepen my voice, but it just doesn’t sound good enough.

      I would need an actual male English native narrator. Or at least somebody who can speak English really well. I have a female narrator in a line, but our audience is almost entirely female, I think those ladies would be more satisfied with a guy doing a voice overs.

      I am sure Alice will be super interested, if I am not back in time, pass her the link in inbox.

      • splinterA
        8 months ago

        I think if @Alice is interested, her voice overs would go really well with the readings, you should try it out.

        Don’t discount a voice with an accent either, it sounds exotic to people and readings are exotic.

        • KeskOPMB
          8 months ago

          In fact I was doing a voice over for a video. It took me yesterday afternoon and today morning to do all of that. It was not a problem to speak, but a program glitched and ate my recordings so I had to do everything in a slow mode. It would be great if there was a few of us doing audio. I did this one, and I asked another reader to do the next. My crew is not really interested in voice overs and we will not make any on-camera readings, so it is ideal for somebody who just wants to create a podcast with nice animations and backgrounds. Also a noise-free background leaves a lot of space for product placement or additional information, whatever it could be. This video which is in preparation is 1H+ and it will be polished and published some time afternoon, depending how editing goes.

      • AliceA
        8 months ago

        Do you have an android phone ? If so what kind ? How I started was using this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=revive.app

        To make the face talk, put together a scene like a bedroom, and I cut and paste and make the heads bigger so they are more visible with the lasso tool on the photo editor with my S23 Ultra.

        The revive app pics up the face pretty good. So you can move them around and don’t have to be super close.

        I use video editing apps like (they’ve also added voice over and tracking tools i haven’t tried yet)


        I use the video editing app for the PIP. Picture in Picture. Meaning I can cut the talking heads made with the revive app, and paste them onto a video.

        It looks more intimidating when you first use a video editing app. But keep playing with it on test projects to learn what the tools do. Then you’ll know exactly what you need and what for

        • KeskOPMB
          8 months ago

          ok, that sounds cool, but we had a riot around editing, it lasted too much and my videos became very long so anything with editing has to be super shortish and not on phone, we use laptops.

          • AliceA
            8 months ago

            The video editing app I suggested has a program for laptops to. But I get what you’re saying.

            When I use the video editor? It takes noticeably longer for sure so I agree.

            When I use revive app? Or cloney? I just select and add them together boom bam done.

            What program were you trying to use what was the issue ?

            • KeskOPMB
              8 months ago

              I was not the one who was doing editing job, intro/outro, editing, animation software, social media marketing is Eris. Art, music, the whole soundtrack thing is Fey. My part was to do readings and voice-overs. But, the idea was to create 3-5 minutes animations and I started forcing longer videos. Animation became torture and Fey couldn’t possibly create original sound for each video above 25 minutes.

              • AliceA
                8 months ago

                What kind of animations? You can use all different kinds of gifs on the gify app and paste it picture in picture

                • KeskOPMB
                  8 months ago

                  yeah, well, that’s out now, I made a dashboard, I’ll record a screen and that’s it. I plan to put a recorder, additional menus and some other stuff. I think this is better. I don’t know if I will have space to squeeze in the second corner camera. Anyways, for now this is OK, because we don’t have views/subs. Plus, I can host this dashboard, so anyone from us can use it directly online. It is like super-easy zero effort recording.

  • AliceA
    8 months ago

    Direct message me if you are comfortable with letting me see it

    • KeskOPMB
      8 months ago

      we also have novelty, I took a few days and created a dashboard ( an app) for cards, because my videos were getting too long and we agreed for a short 3-5 minutes videos. So, to avoid being chucked into a volcano by my peers I did a neat application to showcase cards that I am reading on my desktop while I am doing a reading.

      I also started to add more decks and demand more stuff so videos required hours of editing and animations and nobody has time for that. I will make a video possibly today when I am done with custom buttons on an app and publish it.

      Animation because I want CARDS and all stuff visual to be squeaky clean and visible. Tarot readers on YT have shit settings, you can’t see anything. No matter how a camera is, it requires a giant screen and a godlike resolution to see those cards.

      • AliceA
        8 months ago

        Hmmm ok

        What about filming you and then also a camera filming the cards. You’ll then just take that footage of the cards, and paste it in top left or right hand corner of the video of you with PIP picture in picture. That’d be easy.

        Another possibility

        You know how game streamers have the little video of them in the corner and the rest of the video is the game play?

        If you had, which I’m sure there is some where bc is 2024. A deck of your cards virtually accessible on your phone, so you can do the card reading on your phone while screen recording and have you in the corner explaining it ?

        Make sense?

        Maybe look for virtual tarot card decks on play store?

        • KeskOPMB
          8 months ago

          I sent you a message with a dashboard, I will film just hands in super small screen in a corner, I want to keep my identity, face, off-camera.