Stumbled upon this concept of focusing on managing your energy instead of time; the idea is you could have all the time in the world to do certain things, but without energy to do things you might not end up doing them; and on the other side of the spectrum, if you have a lot of energy you might be able to get a lot done in a short period of time.

Has anyone experimented with trying to make the best use of when they have lots of energy, and to prioritize rest when you have little energy?

Have you found things that keep your “energy” up? (I guess it seems like both a psychological and physical concept, but I disavow association with a “new age” concept of “energy”)

    8 months ago

    When I finally discovered I had kind of an “energy” window of time in the day, I was able to get so much done.

    It was 7am to 3pm, but they keep changing my schedule at work and I just can’t get the rhythm back.

    I think having the routine of my old schedule was what let me get “rolling.”