Several transgenders who I know, always envision themselves with like goatees and other typical attributes that shape them into this trucker guy look.

And I just don’t get it and spare me the whole “that’s just what they wanna be” responses. Because, there are other male models to ideally go for than just that. I personally don’t find the look attractive myself so I can’t really care that they go this direction.

That isn’t all that a guy is anyways, that isn’t even what it usually takes to look like a guy.

    4 months ago

    It’s messy. What is trans? How much of it is I am ___ versus I’m not ___ or becoming the most non-whatever I was? Male <> female or male stereotype <> female stereotype? And how much does where/how you grew up play a part in that? Wear what you want, do what you want, be who you want, fuck who you want, change any of it tomorrow if you want. I don’t really understand the labels for everything. Maybe because I’m old? Maybe because I grew up in the '80s? Is androgenous the same as non-binary?