I really don’t want to do this again

  • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    17 days ago

    I hate to say it but I think they will attempt to shut the gate after the horse has bolted. I hope it’s just my GenX cynicism talking. I don’t want to do this again either. The last time didn’t exactly fill me with confidence, with all the politicking and social and mainstream media misinformation, and people just openly breaching the guidelines because they didn’t care enough, the antimaskers and antivaxers and sovereign citizens. After all we went through, I still see people not washing their hands when they should and coughing all over people in public places. It wasn’t that long ago, not long enough to have forgotten so easily, and it makes me angry and sad.

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zoneOP
      17 days ago

      I agree. Probably going to be a repeat of the last time. It worries me because of my immune system and also avian flu can be fatal to cats.

  • macrocephalic@lemmy.world
    17 days ago

    I remember thinking how “lucky” we were that COVID-19 was relatively mild, compared to say the original SARS which had a 10%+ mortality rate. This is a two edged sword though, because we shot our load on COVID-19 and too many people aren’t going to accept restrictions again. There’s a fair segment of society who will work against any efforts at public health now.