Tagging along from one of the previous posts about people’s jobs, what are your favorite things about your job. If you can’t think of anything, then what are your least favorite things about it or what do you think you’d like to do instead if you could?

My favorite thing is the appreciation we get from passerby. I’ve never had a job where people are genuinely appreciative of what we are doing, and it’s nice to get that feedback from people even though the work itself can be pretty difficult. If there wasn’t that for my job, it would certainly be less rewarding.

  • dustyData@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I won’t say exactly where I work, because it is a sensitive topic. But the best part of my job is that I get to facilitate access to help for people after they have suffered some of the worst and most horrible experiences that humans can go through. The worse part of my work, interestingly, is not having to listen to the most disheartening stories and life experiences that usually really challenge my faith in humanity. Although that is heavy on the soul and tiring on my emotions, the actually worst part of my job is that I also have to inform to a lot of people, asking for help but who don’t fit the selection criteria for the help programs, that they will not be receiving help from my organization. I do try to get them in touch with others who sometimes can help them, but in general, it is always more people being turned down than accepted. There’s too much need in the world and too little people helping, but we are here helping.