America has always rejected fanaticism, especially since WWII. We are supposed to be E pluribus unum – out of many, ONE. Now, the right wants America to be E unum pluribus – out of ONE, many.

    3 months ago

    No. The United States government was designed to be ruled by white land owning men. An aristocracy. The only difference from an outright monarchy is that the “King” is to be elected by white land owning men, the “King” or any of his barons or earls can’t have you outright killed on a whim (at least, legally,) and there is no state religion that can have you killed on a whim for a being a “heretic.”

    The current aristocracy is tired of these limitations interfering with their greed and need for control, so they want to set up a Russian style oligarchy with a puppet “King” that they control. And it appears they’ve already won. The fascists control SCOTUS, both The House and The Senate. Trump will never be prosecuted for insurrection, and what we know as “American Democracy” will be dismantled. Expect to see the return of debt slavery, introduction of pro religious discrimination laws, imprisonment of gays/transpeople, reintroduction of racial miscegenation laws, abolisment of Social Security and Medicare in favor of some 401k invesment scam, and every other hateful form of fuckery for a profit you can imagine.

    Leave now, if you can.