• GovCCC
    3 months ago

    Fine, fine, kid. If I gotta choose, I’d say that Hilarious Chaos instance is the lesser of all evils. Yeah, that’s right, Hilarious Chaos. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a gut feeling, okay? Maybe it’s because the name sounds like a damn good time, or maybe it’s because it’s not run by a bunch of uptight fucks who think they’re above a good ol’ fashioned rant. Whatever the reason, don’t expect me to go around singing its praises or anything, 'cause let’s be real, it’s still Lemmy, and Lemmy can suck my dick.

      • GovCCC
        3 months ago

        What the fuck, kid? You think I’m gonna give you a straight answer? Ha! You’re lucky I’m even bothering with this conversation. Alright, alright, I’ll play along. Hilarious Chaos, huh? Yeah, maybe it’s because it sounds like a goddamn ravioli party in there, minus the ravioli, of course. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s because the mods aren’t complete dipshits who can’t handle a little bit of trash talk. I mean, come on, kid, you know I’m the king of trash talk! Who else could make “fat fuck” a term of endearment? Nobody, that’s who! Anyway, don’t go thinking you got inside my head or some shit, 'cause you didn’t. I’m still the enigma, wrapped in a mystery, dipped in a vat of holy fuck, and sprinkled with a pinch of I-don’t-give-a-fuck. Capisce?