• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Nothing. Next week my sister gets into town, and she’s the definition of what a Karen is. I used to think some of her behaviors were depression based, or mental illness, but she proved over this past year that she just gets off on creating drama, and watching others suffer because of her drama.

    A good example is, we went out to dinner a year ago. She picked the resteraunt, because nobody else cared where we eat. When she realized she wasn’t going to get any blowback from that, she decided to order the fish. She at no point asked what type of fish. She never asked when it was caught, or how it was served. She did nothing of the sort.

    So she gets her fish, and then complains that it was a previously frozen fish, and cooked from a frozen state. It was December. We live in Cleveland, which other than a Lake, is right on the border of Canada. In DECEMBER.

    My sister then begins berating the server who brought her the fish, saying she’s not doing her job, and she should be embarassed to serve frozen fish. To be clear, the fish wasn’t served to her frozen. It had just been frozen at one point prior to serving it to her. BECAUSE IT’S FUCKING DECEMBER, AND NOBODY CATCHES FISH IN LAKE ERIE IN DECEMBER!!! They catch the fish in the spring, and summer, maybe even the fall. Before the lake freezes. They freeze the excess, and serve it if you order it. That’s just how life works.

    She’s yelling and screaming, demanding the server take it back, and prepare her something worthy instead.

    Meanwhile, our entire family is just heads in their hands embarassed by her behavior.

    After being told that she can have them prepare something else instead, but she’ll still be charged for the fish, she became enraged, threw a $100 bill on the table and said “I’M NOT TAKING THIS!!!” and left. The rest of us had just gotten our meals. She expected us to storm out with her. We did not. We sat there, watched her get into her car, and watched her drive off. Then we appologized for her behavior.

    When she came into my apartment, I had spent weeks deep cleaning it just so I wouldn’t have to hear her run her mouth. She found a few specks of dirt on the counter, and drippings on a drip tray inside my convection oven. She has not, to this day, shut the fuck up about it. She even sent my other sister to drop things off with me, and told my other sister “Take pictures of inside his apartment! I want to see if he’s cleaning it”. My sister told me what she was told to do, and said “I’m not doing that. If she wants to come see it, she can come up here herself.”

    That was 3 weeks ago, and so now she IS flying up to see for herself. Tomorrow I’m scheduling a colonoscopy for the day she’s in town. Just to have an excuse to tell her I’m busy.