• 68 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024


  • I don’t know! I can’t keep track of what you humans think of as socially acceptable! Back in the 1920s, you gave your coworker a smooch on his lips, a slap on the ass, and didn’t tell either of your wives! Now though? The wives are at work! There’s no more secret monday meeting for company jerkoff sessions! Just sittin in a circle, jerkin off your buddies while they jerk you off! The roaring 20s we called them, because even after you cum, the jerking never stopped, so you roared and roared!

    You have no idea how hard it is being the immortal highlander, when you drastically change society every 30 years. That’s like 5 minutes for me. Just found out disco is no longer a thing!

    THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!..in every corporate office.

  • Oooooooooh, you mean like in 2001 when I was dating my first ever black girl. I was talking about how you never have breakfast foods for dinner. And she asked if I wanted chicken and waffles. I had never heard of such a dish together. I thought she was asking for two different meals, and it was weird to phrase it like that. After some back and forth, she assured me you take fried chicken, serve it WITH waffles, and cover the whole thing in maple syrup. I thought she was pranking me. So I went over, and googled it. I was suuuuure she was messing with me. Nope. It’s a real thing people in the south do. I’m from Ohio. So was she, but she has family in Atlanta. I was just…why? Just why would anyone mix those foods? Still to this day I don’t want it.

    Then, after it had been well established that chicken and waffles was a thing, she asked “Have you ever heard of chitlins?”

    I had not. Ignorance is bliss.

  • Where are we right now? What are we doing? I’m reading a news and content aggregation system known as Lemmy which pulls the current world to my fingertips. It separates everything into digestible categories so that you can separate based on topic of interest. This can then be used to grasp the context of what society has done with their day, and recap recent events, or just show you a funny comic if you need to be cheered up. I can even browse a community of nothing but cat pictures.

    It sounds like an amazing service, so imagine my surprise when I find out that the world around me is just…ya know…batshit insane.

    We’re discussing the current ruling government who’s PUNISHING people for having empathy, and basic common courtesy towards other people. DEI has been in the news the past few days as being some controversial concept. So I looked it up, and find out it means “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion”.

    What the hell is so controversial about that??? “Hey Tom, wanna go bowling with us later?” “What?” “We’re going bowling after work. Would you like to join us?” “Join you? HOW DARE YOU INCLUDE ME! WE ARE DIFFERENT RACES YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!” “What…what just happened?” “I WILL NOT BE PART OF YOUR DEI PROPAGANDIST BULLSHIT!!! NEXT YOU’LL TELL ME YOU WANT ME TO TALK TO A TRANS PERSON!!!” “Tom…your daughter is trans…” “HEEEEEE IS A HEEEEEE!!!” “Tom…ok, ya know what? Fuck you.” “That’s more LIKE it!”

    I do not understand the world we live in today, where being different and getting along is somehow a bad thing.