I’m assuming the person has at least one hand free. A big “that’s not a noife, this is a noife” would solve the problem lickety split. If both arms are pinned then there isn’t much you can do. Try to bite it I guess, but they’re used to being bitten by animals much more ferocious than humans.
I’m assuming the person has at least one hand free. A big “that’s not a noife, this is a noife” would solve the problem lickety split. If both arms are pinned then there isn’t much you can do. Try to bite it I guess, but they’re used to being bitten by animals much more ferocious than humans.
Wear a special constrictor armor that deploys buzz saws if it’s ever squeezed with enough force to break ribs.
That’s awesome!
Snek scoffs at humans’ tiny bite force.