(TMX) – “Jackass” star Steve-O confirmed this week he is going to undergo breast augmentation for a laugh.

During an appearance on the “X5 Podcast” on Wednesday, the 50-year-old prankster said he’s been thinking about getting a pair of fake breasts for years.

“I came up with the idea a few years ago to get a boob job and just film a bunch of legitimately funny hidden camera pranks with me in disguise, in various disguises, and then revealing who I actually am, and just funny endurance stunts and whatever,” he said.

“I’ve been so particularly in love with that idea because the comedy, the opportunity for comedy, I believe is absolutely there, and it’s like the quintessential Steve-O — that level of commitment,” he said.

The augmentation will only be temporary, however. Steve-O said he would only have them for “max two months” before having them removed again.

“I spoke with the doctors, and I said to them candidly, ‘The one thing I’m really freaked out about and bummed out about and would back out of this over is if I’m just gonna be a mess afterwards,’” Steve-O said.

He confirmed he plans to get D-cup-size implants.

“You know, it’s going under the muscle, and the doctors are completely unfazed, like, ‘Two months, it comes out, absolutely no issue,’” he said.

Despite doing it all for a laugh, Steve-O said he is working with “the absolute best [doctor] in the world at giving men gorgeous boobs

  • tetrachromacy@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Yeah, he’s doing it for a very stupid reason, which is why I’m concerned. I’m glad you read the whole article. This seems like it has potential to be very cruel, intentionally or not.

    Crossdressing is a whole thing that’s of course totally fine. Consider the guys from Monty Python. They cross dressed all the time but weren’t specifically doing it out of malice or the intent to be denigrating to women. There’s a way to crossdress and still be funny without being a dick.

    Also, Steve-O may be progressive to some extent, I really don’t know his politics. That’s not really what I’m concerned about. It’s more that his antics may give conservative or small minded idiots cause to associate all transitioning individuals with him. They’d lead another chorus of “all trans people are pervs who watch you in public bathroom” because he does something like popping out of a public bathroom stall covered in fudge and begging strangers for TP.

    • Donkter@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Yeah, that was part of my hope. That again, afaik, the guy has a super redneck regressive audience of idiots that clap to people getting hit in the balls but he himself is not that conservative so it would be cool if he used his influence with that normally impenetrable audience to try and give them an example they’ll pay attention to of gender being a social construct rather than something physical.

      I’m just huffing copium at this point but it would be cool.