After “someone” bullied her. LOL.

  • AliceMA
    1 year ago

    How do you feel about it?

    • HermanOP
      1 year ago

      Not a big deal to me. I unfollowed when she went on to a bunch of relays that I wasn’t connected to so most of her posts weren’t showing up for me at the time. Even before that she was mildly irking me as being somewhere between fake and delusional which is weird when you post your face.

      • AliceMA
        1 year ago

        You’ve got a good instinct on you. Because that’s what I thought as well.

        She was rubbing me the wrong way when she would kinda get bitchey with other people.

        She instigated a lot. Idk just didn’t feel right. Then she started thumbing down some of my posts that weren’t opinionated about anything.

        So I was like oh, ok, I see.

        AND THEN. She made a post asking for me to check my mentions? That I need to reevaluate moderation or something and then another post about that she doesn’t want to duplicate a community because I haven’t approved her post yet.

        Anyway I didn’t see any of that yet. Before I invited her to hear to this instance.

        I saw all that after I had invited her here. And then she makes a post saying that she just got confirmation that the moderators have left the stage and that’s just when I went off on her I just thought that was kind of ridiculous. I mean dude like I have a life and I’m not the one who set up the moderation the way it is that’s the developers dude not my f****** problem.

        I mean what about now you’re abandoning your communities and not moderating anymore? I mean Jesus somebody call the police she’s not moderating her communities just stupid f****** dumb ridiculous stuff.

        I don’t answer to you b**** I don’t answer to anybody that’s what really pissed me off. I mean who the f*** do you think you are? Sorry that’s really got on my nerves and I had to say something at that point.