Meanwhile, the spiders I have begrudging let live have caught nothing because they take up residence behind the toilet and inside an unfilled cabinet (that was fun to discover)
The flies are operating freely! I’m gaining nothing from this ceasefire!
I had a spider in a web right over the fuckin hole in the wall where all the ants enterd. This fucking guy did nothing. Just sat there watching food parade in and out all day all night. Like, come on!
Meanwhile, the spiders I have begrudging let live have caught nothing because they take up residence behind the toilet and inside an unfilled cabinet (that was fun to discover)
The flies are operating freely! I’m gaining nothing from this ceasefire!
I had a spider in a web right over the fuckin hole in the wall where all the ants enterd. This fucking guy did nothing. Just sat there watching food parade in and out all day all night. Like, come on!
them staying in out of the way places are the reason I like them. If they are alive then their bellies are full and they are catching something.
You’d be surprised at how frequently cockroaches hide behind toilets.
o7, spider