Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker called on Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell to resign Wednesday over his handling of the fatal officer-involved shooting of Sonya Massey – a request Campbell dismissed as “political maneuvering during a tragic event.”

“We join the Massey family in calling for Sheriff Campbell’s resignation immediately so the Springfield and Sangamon County community can begin to rebuild and restore trust between citizens and the sheriff’s department,” Pritzker and Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton said in a joint statement.

Good. He did hire someone with a list of past issues and he has not done everything he should have to align himself with the victim’s family as I seem to understand it.

On July 6, former deputy sheriff Sean Grayson responded to a report of a prowler at Massey’s home. Bodycam footage from another deputy showed Massey saying she rebuked Grayson, and the former deputy threatening the 36-year-old Black woman. Grayson asked Massey to remove a pan of water from a burner on the stove. Grayson moved away from the steaming water.

“Sonya turned to face me holding the pot. I did not know the type of liquid that was boiling,” Grayson wrote in his report three days after the incident.

“I advised Sonya to put the boiling liquid down. Sonya stated (she) was going to rebuke me in the name of Jesus. She stated this twice. I interpreted this to mean she was going to kill me.”

The encounter ended with Grayson shooting Massey in the head and failing to render aid. Massey’s family has said that Sonya Massey struggled with mental health issues.

I do not know how he would have come to those conclusions… Just bizarre.

He was far from her. She had lifted the pot. Everything that happens next happens so quickly while he is standing 10+ feet away from her, there’s no way she posed any kind of threat to him, and she makes that enigmatic statement about rebuking him in the name of Jesus…

My first guess is that the meaning of this is purely verbal, almost like an incantation, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus” doesn’t make me think of a threat of violence, it makes me think of something like words from an exorcism or a harsh condemnation that I am doing something unchristian…

And this lunatic cop shoots her in the head, I think even technically after she quickly ducked down to put the previously boiling pot on the floor.

It’s such an open & shut case - I feel insulted that they are trying to couch the events like that and gaslight us.