I remember when I was a kid, doctors were so interactive and really took time to get to know you and talk to you, learn about what you’re going through and explain things. Now as an adult, it’s been nearly impossible to find a doctor who is willing to take any amount of time to sit down, explain things, show any sort of compassion or empathy at all.

I suffer from acid reflux, and in order to diagnose that, they basically put a tube down your throat, it’s called an endoscopy. You have to be fully sedated with anesthesia and take nearly an entire day off of work because the way the anesthesia affects you, you can’t drive and someone has to drive you. Well for many years now we’ve had this other procedure which is a tube, but they put it through your nose instead. There’s been lots of research papers about the use of it, it’s used in other countries as a procedure regularly. So I asked several gastroenterologists if they offer the procedure and every single one of them said no, and would not provide any additional information or insight as to why you have to be completely sedated and pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for expensive anesthesia. I am simply blown away. It makes no sense. A research tested method that has been written about for about a decade now in actual research studies by board certified medical physicians, and no one offers it. Literally no one, and they won’t even consider it.

I’ve also been through at least several primary care physicians because the ones I have seen are so short and don’t really take time to get to know you at all. They just pop in, ask you a handful of questions and leave, if your test results come back with anything abnormal, they say it’s nothing to worry about, they don’t want to take any extra time to help look into anything or diagnose you… like wtf?

It just seems like doctors these days are out to get you to spend as much money as possible and do the absolute bare minimum for you in return. And now we have direct primary care options where you can circumvent insurance entirely, pay your doctor thousands upon thousands of dollars a year for the same level of care that we had in the '90s. But now you have to pay out of pocket for that in addition to your insurance. Wtfffff

  • Boozilla@lemmy.world
    14 days ago
    • Too many patients, not enough doctors.
    • Private insurance and intrusive controlling software: the doctor is limited in what they are allowed to prescribe, they have to check all sorts of boxes, and they have complex computer forms to fill out. They are too busy with the laptop to have much attention left for patients.
    • Non-compliant patients who “do their own research” on the internet.

    Most doctors I know don’t even want to go to a doctor. They know all the providers are shit talking their patients and just doing the best they can in a very broken system.

    Late stage capitalism and medical misinformation have made the doctor-patient relationship almost adversarial.

    • Asidonhopo@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      Non-compliant patients who “do their own research” on the internet.

      In the US they advertise drugs directly to us, we’re expected to do our own marketing-guided research to speed along the transaction.

      • Boozilla@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        You’re right, it’s a complex issue that my bullet point just kind of touched on (and lacks nuance). In many ways, patients are required to navigate their own health care and be their own champion and advocate It gets messy when we encounter misinformation that tells us what we want to hear, but isn’t based on solid science.

    • Hazor@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      They are too busy with the laptop to have much attention left for patients.

      I’m a nurse practitioner, and can confirm this: I spend at least half of my time tapping away at the computer, checking boxes, and completing often-redundant forms for insurance and regulatory compliance and whatnot. It’s really frustrating, and there’s a lot of room for improvement.

      • Boozilla@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        I’ll also add that I very much appreciate nurse practitioners. I have to go in every 6 months for routine “old man maintenance” checkups, and there’s really no need for me to see a doctor for these types of visits. You’re filling a much-needed role. (And I’m sure you do a lot more than just “old man maintenance” consults, LOL).

      • Boozilla@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        It’s astonishing (and insane) how private health insurance has taken over the entirety of health care at every operational level.

        This is a type of insurance that started out decades ago as an unusual perk for executives. They called “major medical”. Nobody thought that much about it. In those days most working people simply could go see a doctor and just pay with cash or check.

        Now, their tendrils have wrapped around everything from the lowest-paid pharmacy tech to most expensive surgeon…and everything and everyone in-between.

        The board rooms of private health insurance companies have a gigantic dragon by the tail, and they have no damned clue what to do with it.

    • Wrench@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      Also a very litigious society. Even if they mean well, going off the page and trying to figure out a “Haus” solution is just putting themselves at risk.

      They have to check all the boxes for your insurance. They have to check all the boxes for their own malpractice insurance. Even if they followed procedure, they might get dragged through the legal system to defend themselves if a client feels wronged.

      That turns you, the client, into a number in a dispassionated machine.

      And I don’t have a solution to it.

      Edit - that was a bit too bleak. There are a lot of doctors trying their best to retain humanity in a system aimed at destroying it. The whole med school journey is aimed at weeding the people out who are just in it for the money. It’s designed to gatekeep the industry to require a massive amount of passion to get your foot in the door. But the realities of the industry do their best to squash that.

      • Boozilla@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        Thank you, you bring up some important points. Malpractice lawsuits and insurance are significant problems, too.

        In my limited anecdotal experience as a patient of (and support staff for) doctors I have met some very compassionate and capable doctors and nurses. I don’t see health care providers as being the problem with our system. It’s primarily the private health insurance companies and PBMs. They are the main reasons why we can’t have nice things.

  • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    They’re paid by the job, not by the hour.

    IOW they get paid a fee for the visit, a fee for any tests, etc.

    Thank modern insurance for that.

    They do not get paid any extra to have a conversation with you or to spend actual time with you to discuss whatever issues you are facing. I think the caveat is more that the GP/PCP is more likely to speed by you as they’ve got 20 more patients to see that day and a specialist will probably spend more time with you because they’re only trying to work on one issue rather than deal with weird pains, blood tests, talk to you about your weight, etc…

  • IamAnonymous@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    This is just over generalization of your experience.

    A primary care doctor should ask questions like if you are stressed out as it affects your life but they are not going to have a long non-medical related conversation because you are no longer a kid and also they won’t remember you until you go back the next time so why waste time when they can see other patients, unless it’s a psychiatrist. The questionnaire they have has all the required medical questions.

    Doctors aren’t out to get your money. You don’t even pay them directly. Blame the health insurance companies for that. If they did want to take your money wouldn’t they make you do more tests and take more of your money? There are a lot of ways to get your money apart from anesthesia.

    Maybe there is a different medical reason but it is certainly not to just to make your pay for anesthesia. I’m not in a medical field so I can’t into those details. However, I had some oral surgery and I refused anesthesia as I could handle the pain and didn’t want to pay more money. The surgeon didn’t force it on me. I’m not sure where you live but I hadn’t heard that we are forced to take anesthesia when it might not be required as it has its own risk. Why would the hospital risk that? Just to make more money when they can just order other non-risky expensive tests?

    • shalafi@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      Yeah, I don’t feel this is on the doctors. They’re overrun with work and are just trying to get through it. I was unable to find a single GP in my town that takes both insurance and new patients. My wife can’t find a heart doctor, no one is taking new patients.

      An anecdote that illustrates my point:

      Went to CVS one Sunday with what I had thought was a mild, post-surgery infection. Turned out it wasn’t, I merely overworked my hand, and was in fact healing up great! This young doctor, having no other patients, sat and shot the shit with me for nearly an hour. I learned so much about my current and past problems. He spoke casually, fielded questions unrelated to my current issue, treated me like an old friend. “The hell made you think kayaking was OK 6-days out of surgery?! Damn, man…” All because he had time to kill. Imagine that. (LOL, he have me antibiotics anyway, knowing I was losing my insurance and would bank them against future need.)

  • originalucifer@moist.catsweat.com
    14 days ago

    the united states is addicted to litigation. something that goes wrong is always someone elses responsibility and they will pay.

    if a kid breaks their arm at school way too many humans decide ‘that school was negligent, no matter what the circumstances’ and they sue instead of collectively realizing kids do stupid things, and get hurt sometimes. this leaves school districts banning things like ‘tag’. banning being children

    its the same nonsense with doctors. theyve been sued into seclusion of anything they arent explicitly required to do.

    the insurance industry has a hand in managing doctors time also… theyre basically given zero time to work with patients or they cant make enough money to stay in business.

    health insurance companies only profit when human beings suffer

    • Asifall@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      Is there evidence that this is true? Ive read that the US is actually not more litigious than some European nations and the idea that it is has been boosted by corporations that want to shift public opinion against plaintiffs (an example being the infamous McDonald’s coffee lawsuit)

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    Not a doctor and just talking out my ass, but I’m assuming part of it has to do with patient workloads and dealing with insurance companies, they’re just not incentivized to really take any time with patients, just get 'em through the visit, check whatever boxes they need to, and move on.

    But yeah, I very much have had the same experience for the past 10 years or so with my same doctor, it just feels absolutely useless going to them for anything. It takes alot for me to go to the doctor for anything or to bring anything up even with the doctor if it’s not life-threatening. I’m not a hypochondriac by any stretch, I just try to keep an eye out on my health and if I notice my body doing something out of the ordinary, I just ask about it to see if it means anything.

    Before my regular check-up though I’ll kind of bank up whatever questions or oddities that I’ve noticed, things that I figure I can bring up and see if maybe it’s a sign of one thing or another. Most of the time when I mention anything though, it just feels like the doctor is blowing me off, or he’ll just give a guess, maybe google it and show some pictures. At best he might tell me something like, “Hmmm, well it’s probably not cancer.” and then just sort of shrug and move on. I’m a guy, so I’m used to no one caring about my health or well-being at all, but I think I had a different image in my head when I was a kid about what it was doctors actually did.

    The one regular benefit I see from going to the doctor is getting my blood drawn and being able to track health numbers from that, my job does the same thing too, so I get two sets of numbers from my blood work every year and I track it to see overall condition of my health, which I kind of wish was something my doctor did. He’ll mostly just comment the most obvious thing possible when the test results come in, but there’s never a look at health numbers over time, which is why I started just tracking it on my own.

  • GrayBackgroundMusic@lemm.ee
    13 days ago

    I’ve also been through at least several primary care physicians because the ones I have seen are so short and don’t really take time to get to know you at all. They just pop in, ask you a handful of questions and leave, if your test results come back with anything abnormal, they say it’s nothing to worry about, they don’t want to take any extra time to help look into anything or diagnose you… like wtf?

    Because we’re not people to them. They’re incentivized to treat us like cars. Repair as fast and as many as you can to get the most money.

    • Holyginz@lemmy.world
      13 days ago

      Insurance companies have control over what the doctors can do and over their schedules. They are only allowed to spend certain amounts of time with patients or they get in trouble. All the doctors I’ve talked to hate this. Blame insurance companies and the hospitals for prioritizing profit, not the doctors.

      • Hazor@lemmy.world
        13 days ago

        Yes, but to clarify: the time constraints are imposed by for-profit healthcare businesses trying to optimize billable time because insurance will only reimburse for so much time, rather than being imposed by the insurance companies directly. (It’s generally not quite as silly in the non-profit sector.) I work in healthcare in the US: we all hate how it works. The system sucks and it interferes with the quality of care that can be provided, leaving patients worse off just so that greedy can be fed. It’s just asinine that anyone who has no medical knowledge/training is making decisions about how patient care can be implemented, especially where there’s a profit motive involved. We really need to pivot to single-payer or national healthcare system, and abolish for-profit ownership of hospitals.

  • Horsey@lemmy.world
    13 days ago

    Doctors are not individual practitioners and cannot normally decide to go off on their own doing a procedure that they were not specifically trained to do (doctors are trained in procedures during their residency and in CTE). Unless they are offered a course in this new method, the hospital would not authorize them to perform that new procedure. The best way to get this care would be to travel or to lobby the hospital to train staff on this new methodology.

  • magiccupcake@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    I’ve only tangentially heard about this, but another issue is that doctors in the US don’t have to, and aren’t encouraged to keep up with recent research.

    Combine that with a medical education system that hasn’t changed drastically in 70 years to keep up with that new research and most US doctors are just out of date.

    • Lemmeenym@lemm.ee
      14 days ago

      There is some variation by state but in the US almost all licensed medical professionals are required to participate in continuing education to keep their license.

      • BalooWasWahoo@links.hackliberty.org
        14 days ago

        Which is hit or miss. I’ve been in those CE courses and seminars, and they range from informative and exciting to literal time-wasting. An example: What doctor needs to care about log-rolling patients and backboarding them? That’s something a firefighter or EMT does.

  • Bob Robertson IX@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    I find a young doctor in a suburb almost 10 years ago. He’s been great and he listens to me, has no problem taking my suggestions into consideration, and he often admits when he doesn’t know something and will literally Google it right there in the room. It took as while to find someone I like, but it was worth looking.

  • GaMEChld@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    Our Healthcare system is fucked. You really need to be your own advocate and do your own double-checking. Think about how many people are bad at their jobs, and realize that plenty of those people are doctors.

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    The US healthcare system is built around money and profit. A cheaper procedure which does not require general anaesthetic costs less, and reduces profit. That can be beneficial to the providers but bloat is incentivised in the US healthcare system as providers battle with insurance companies for money. Crudely healthcare providers don’t care about saving you money; they want to take as much money as they can get.

    Meanwhile, countries with tax funded health care opt for the most cost effective procedures, investigations and treatments. The incentive is to reduce costs and offer the most effective things to the most people possible. That can also sometimes have negative side effects if not carefully regulated but in such systems generally Doctors advocate for the best procedure and best medical practice, as they themselves do not directly benefit financially from which procedure is pushed. The downside is you do get the opposite side of things where patients are dissuaded from things as they’re not deemed cost effective by those who control the spending.

  • Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    12 days ago

    U. S. medicine is corporatized. You are visiting a corporate store front, not a doctor’s office.

    If you want personalized medicine from doctors who give a shit, you’ll either need to find a small clinic that gives a shit or you’ll need to get your procedures done for cash while on vacation in Europe.

    Medical tourism can sometimes be the same price (including travel) as staying in the U.S and dealing with insurance.

  • Rolder@reddthat.com
    14 days ago

    Judging from my own doctors experience, they are way overbooked. Can’t get a personal experience when they gotta see a couple dozen more people the same day.

  • lemmylommy@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    Just fyi, the sedation is usually not medically necessary. I have had it (as well as a colonoscopy) done without, just got a spray to numb the throat for a short while. It’s not pleasant, but I found it bearable and it’s much nicer to just walk out and drive home on your own. If necessary I could still have told/signaled that I want sedation after all during the procedure. Propofol works within less than a minute. In that case they would have called someone to pick me up.

    That said, I do live in Germany, so money does not play as big a role as in the US when it comes to healthcare. And the doctors and their staff were exceedingly nice and caring.

    Maybe, if you believe you can bear it, and if acid reflux does not make it painful, ask to do it without sedation next time.

    • Buttflapper@lemmy.worldOP
      14 days ago

      I know the sedation is not medically necessary, lots of places outside the USA don’t do it at all. Japan, Europe, etc. There’s research studies that even show non sedated procedures are being used and have been favorably received. Every single doctor I’ve asked about them, they outright refuse to do it without sedation or anesthesia. Guess how much that costs? Thousands of dollars, with insurance. So I have to pay about $5,000 at least out of pocket a year for insurance, then I have to pay $3,500 for this procedure, and the last two that I’ve gotten, they haven’t shown anything. So naturally I’m like okay, can we do a less invasive one without sedation, like they do in other countries? Absolutely not. We won’t do that, and we don’t know anyone else who will ever do it. Like what the hell is this?

      • crusty_baboon@lemmy.world
        14 days ago

        This is not medical advice, just some general comments regarding your post.

        An upper endoscopy is rarely needed for evaluation for uncomplicated acid reflux. It alone is not even an appropriate indication for an upper endoscopy, except for a specific patient population and that’s to screen for a disorder related to acid reflux.

        Unsedated endoscopies are uncomfortable for the patient and the physician. They suck. Many gastroenterologists will do it, but there’s at least some reason for why others won’t. Doctors in countries that do a lot of unsedated upper endoscopies do so because these patients have them much more often (screening for a much higher risk of gastric cancer in, say, Japan). But the way, whether you get anesthesia from an anesthesiologist or no anesthesia doesn’t affect how much insurance pays the endoscopist.

        The tube you’re referring to sounds like pH monitoring with an impedance catheter. It stays in your nose for 24 hours, and generally isn’t more convenient than an upper endoscopy. It’s not required for diagnosis of simple acid reflux, and serves a completely different purpose than an endoscopy. It’s used mainly when the diagnosis is in question. Most gastroenterologists aren’t sufficiently trained to read these studies anyway. These patients are usually referred to high volume centers.

  • FridgeReborn@lemmy.world
    14 days ago

    I’m lucky to have “inherited” my parents’ doctor. She is extremely compassionate and gets deeply involved in you and your concerns on every visit. So much so that she is infamous for being behind schedule, to the point where we fully expect to wait for an hour to see her after the scheduled appointment time. She makes up for it by talking with you for as long as you want.

    She also hasn’t accepted new patients for like 4 years… so yeah, I guess all the good ones are taken.