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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Peeing more often will become a problem over time as essentially you’re not emptying your bladder completely each time.

    If you’re prostate is enlarged then the first step is lifestyle changes to mitigate against the enlargement. That includes drinking less alcohol and less before bed, but also importantly losing weight if over weight and improving your diet to try and slow the increase in size. The evidence isn’t great on preventing enlargement but prostate enlargement is associated with being overweight and poor diet.

    Medication becomes needed if you start getting more severe symptoms. You could choose to take these earlier but they have side effects.

    Finally if all else fails then surgery is needed to debulk the prostate. That is worth avoiding as much as possible due to the side effects - so lifestyle changes and earlier use of medication when it becomes needed are the best wya forward.

  • Most people who are using TRT don’t need to use it so be very dubious about what you’re reading on the Internet. Testosterone is unfortunately abused. People are taking testosterone as a performance enhancer and a quick fix to get what they want. Look up “anabolic steroid abuse” or misuse if you want to see the side effects and problems with inappropriate use. Example include aggressive behaviour, mood swings, paranoia, cardiovascular effects that can cause heart attacks or stroke, kidney problems, infertility and small testicles. This is when you use extra testosterone on top of normal levels of testosterone.

    Your case is very different and a lot of what you see online does not apply. In your case you have low testosterone - that is an actual medical condition and you’re being prescribed testosterone to get up to normal levels. Having low testosterone can delay puberty, lead to low muscle mass, lead to reduced growth of the penis and testes, and lead to low sex drive, low energy, and long term infertity, erectile dysfunction and even osteoporosis.

    If you’ve had a blood test showing you have low testosterone and are under a decent doctor who is prescribing this and monitoring it then you should follow their advice. You have a medical condition that should be treated for your benefit and quality of life. All the quackery from people who self medicate and abuse testosterone does not apply.

  • You need to decide what you want from your life. It is not your responsibility to “fix” Israel. If you feel truly passionate about it then go for it.

    But if you’re worried about this out of a vague sense of guilt or responsibility then park it. You get one life to live - don’t waste it doing something your don’t want to do or are not passionate about. Live a good life and strive for happiness, and try to be kind and good to those you meet on the journey - that is all that can be asked of anyone.

  • Zionism has always been highly controversial. It is a political movement but it’s proponents try and paint it as a central and indelible part of Jewish identity - trying to make it seem as if to attack zionism is to attack Judaism. This is of course utter bullshit.

    It’s a common tactic of the zionist movement to try and equate anti-zionism with being anti-semetic. But zionism is a nationalist political ideology, not an ethnic identity.

    It is not anti-semetic to attack zionism, just as it is not unamerican to attack the Republican Party.

  • Tesla is a massively overvalued stock and has been for a long time. When they announced their recent dire sales, the share price actually rebounded because the clown Mush spouted his usual nonsense about the real value in the company - self drive and robo-taxis - but it’s been widely reported for some time that the companies tech is a dud because Musk decided to remove all the expensive components that actually make the technology work. They lost their first-move advantage; their competitors have caught up and surpassed them both on EVs and self-drive tech.

    The guy is a joke, the company is a joke.

  • Either TikTok will win in court and overturn the law (possible), be sold (unlikely) or shut down (likely). I can’t see TikTok being sold being allowed by China, and even selling part of the business just creates a new global competitor to extend out of the US.

    Multiple competitors will appear in the meantime hoping to get the displaced activity. TikTok is hugely profitable and a dominant replacement in the US would make a lot of money. This will be seen as an opportunity to make a lot of money for the winner.

    I can see Meta trying to make a TikTok like clone, Google trying to leverage YouTube shorts, and Elon Musk trying to revive Vine at Twitter, plus lots of startups (mostly. American but possibly from other nations) vying to win the audience.

    Ironically the more interesting battle may be outside the US - TikTok versus whatever US app comes along.

    The deadline is after the US election - this could also all be political grandstanding and the politicians expectation might be that the law won’t stand up in court anyway.

  • Life is what you make of it.

    When you’re a kid, 10 years seems like a long time because it’s your entire life. But when you’re 40 you look back and say “10 years ago I was just in my 20s and in 10 years I’ll be 50”. All those people around you who seemed so much older now seem not so far away.

    Basically life is short, and it’ll feel like it goes faster if you fill it with mundane stuff as your won’t remember the days or you’ll just go through the motions. Instead, keep doing new things, experience new things, challenge yourself. Try and make every day interesting. That’s hard when work is a big part of life but it is doable.

    It is better to realise to make the absolute most of life at 30 than it is at 40, or worse 70.

  • The other huge issue is when they confidently tell you incorrect information. If you trust the AI tool you are basically looking at the world through a filter and one that can be wrong.

    In a rush for market share these companies have released broken or half baked software.

    I worry about a generation of students coming through who don’t know the cardinal rule of researching any topic: go to the source. If you’re casually goofling a topic that may be impractical but you might at least go to a source you trust (such as Wikipedia, although that is also very flawed approach!).

    Chat bots add another layer of error and distance from the source, as well as all the censorship and data manipulation we’re seeing.

  • Really well. I’ve been playing Cyberpunk 2077 in Linux on my PC without issue, and plenty of other games on it, my Steam Deck and now a living room mini PC.

    A combination of steam (and Proton), Wine and Heroic launcher (for GOG, Epic and toeht stores), plus tech like Vulkan, makes most PC gaming viable in Linux.

    There remain some games that don’t work but generally they get tweaked into working with a newer version of Proton. Windows-reliant anticheat software seems to be an issue though if you like competitive fps type games.

  • So all our evidence about life is from a sample of 1: 1 planet and it’s development. Everything else is extrapolated from that. We don’t know what rates of evolution should be or could be.

    Also in terms of civilizations leaving junk everywhere, that is potentially true. But we also only have a sample of 1: 1 planet and 1 solar system which we have barely scratched the surface of.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence in itself. We will have to go out in to the universe to see what is there.

    In terms of travel to other systems - in theory self replicating ships could spread across the galaxy to every system in about 500 thousand years at sublight speed. Space travel is not doable in a humans life time, but it is doable on the scale of a stable civilizations efforts to spread into the galaxy.

    There are also theoretical ways to travel faster than life. Whether they are pure fantasy or potential science only time will tell. We still can’t even detect much of the universe, let alone begin to manipulate it.

    We simply know too little to know what is going on in the galaxy. To say “there is nobody out there” is just a possibility, not a certainty.

  • Maybe. There are so many possible explanations for the Fermi Paradox.

    • Radio signals may just become too incoherent at great distances that we cannot recognise meaning from noise. The evidence is too hard to detect.
    • Alien civilizations that are more advanced than us, could be using energy and communication methods we haven’t even thought to try to detect yet. We’re looking for the wrong evidence.
    • advanced technology for communication, travel and energy could also be much more efficient - maybe there is nothing to detect. There is no evidence to find sitting on earth.
    • in theory a civilization travelling at sub light speed could cplonize the galaxy with self replicating machines in 0.5 million years. Where are they? Well what if we ourselves are the product? Life on earth seeded from elsewhere? We are the evidence?
    • maybe they’re around us in space but not interested in us - we’re ants to them.
    • maybe they’re around us in space but don’t want to contaminate us, letting us reach them when we’re ready.they are hiding form us.
    • maybe space is vastly more dangerous than we can comprehend and civilizations keep quiet to avoid predator species - the dark forest theory
    • maybe life is extremely rare and spread out, and we are an aborrhation- the great filter

    The Fermi Paradox is an interesting question, but it is not an answer in itself.

  • I’ve got plenty of flat pack furniture and never had to use wood glue.

    If you buy quality flat pack you will get well designed and engineered furniture. The bad reputation comes from cheap tat, often mass produced in China.

    Wood glue negates one of the big benefits of flat pack - to take the furniture apart and move it at any point in the future.

    I’ve also come across shoddily built flat pack furniture when I was renting when younger and I always found the same problem - a failure to tighten screws. Wobbly bits of furniture became functional afterwards.

    I remember my mum built a flat pack computer table when I was a kid and it wobbled all over. She lamented how poor flat pack furniture was. I got fed up of the wobble when I was a teenager and had a look - every single screw was not tightened. It took 10mins to sort and the thing never wobbled again.

    I’ve fixed wobbly desks, wardrobes, shelving units - all with just a screwdriver.

    Number one tip for flat pack furniture: tighten the screws. And number 2, get an electric screwdriver.

  • Not sure why IKEA is getting knocked? It has a good reputation for quality design. They also have quality ranges with cheaper and more expensive versions of the same furniture types if you want to splurge on the best.

    Flat pack is a good way to buy furniture; you just have to get it from good quality sources and IKEA is definitely one.

    I’ve got IKEA furniture that’s moved with me from home to home up to 15 years old and it remains in good condition. Never known their furniture to “fall apart”?

  • Yeah absolutely. Even AI as a term has become a crock of shit because it’s been latched on to by companies to market their products in the AI the equivalent of the dotcom boom.

    Artificial Intelligence was once a sufficient smterm for Artificial General Intelligence. Now any old algorithm is being labelled AI to sell it.

    But the terms don’t matter - the concept is sound but it’s further away than we probably expect because so much crap is being sold to make a quick buck.

    Chat-GPT is basically beta software and it is practically useless because it’s inaccurate. You can’t use a tool in business, government or health are when it can be wrong and worse so confidently wrong. It’s an impressive tool but they still haven’t got that working well, let alone any further “advances”.

    And blindly throwing data at LLMs and hoping to stumble on AGI is not going to work - crudely that is the approach of much of the cow boy outfits out there claiming to be innovating in AI. That includes big tech companies who have jumped on the bandwagon over the last 18 months.