• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoHumor@lemmy.worldA different 'body count'....
    4 days ago

    One is Lebanese-American, Mia Khalifa, who has talked out about Israel’s apartheid state, though she also referred to Hamas as “freedom fighters”. She got famous from porn, still does revealing photoshoots, but apparently gets pissed off sometimes when reminded that she used to be a porn star.

    The other might have committed war crimes or at least knows somebody who has.

  • I’m not full vegan/vegetarian, but I’ve cut out all the beef/dairy that I can from my diet, just because of how bad cows in general are for the environment with their methane farts, though I think there may be methods to reduce emissions. I’m guessing that costs money though, so fuck that, we need cheap beef. I think if people just took that step of cutting that one animal out of our food chain, it’d be alot easier for people to do, rather than trying to cut out all meat and going vegan.

  • Sounds like a shitty implementation, it adds an additional prompt everytime you ask something that you have to confirm if you also want it to lookup with ChatGPT and then it just looks it up via text? Kind of wish it was just tied to an extra command, like “Hey Siri, check with ChatGPT…” and then it spoke the thing out. Otherwise, if I just wanted to read and write prompts, I’m just going to type stuff out directly with ChatGPT, without talking to Siri in the first place. The only benefits Siri has is voice communication and telling my kids stupid knock-knock jokes on command, they’re not really adding anything to it.

  • The rabbit holes was big for me. I think it started changing after Google Reader and other aggregators came along, but before then you’d go from one site, which would link to another, then to another site, until after an hour you’d gone across a dozen or more different sites and you were on a completely different topic than what you started.

    It still can happen in the current web, but it all feels alot less connected now, every website is like an island almost, no external Links and completely separated from any other sites. Before, finding new sites and content from a site’s ‘Links’ page was a big thing, I feel like that’s how I found alot of stuff. You would just bounce from one site to the next, read what they had, check the Links, see something else, bounce to that and repeat.

  • I would agree with most of this, if that excess cost was actually going towards paying the workers better or animal welfare. However, the excess costs are there because, maybe for a brief period, the companies had to raise their prices due to legitimate issues stemming from Covid. When the supply issues cleared up and costs should’ve gone back down though, everyone just collectively decided, “Why should we make it cheaper? They’ll still pay.” So that extra money we’re paying is to give the execs and shareholders more money. It’s greedflation and the exploitation of workers continues.

    Based on that though, we should punish companies where we can and stop going to fast food anyways, though given that prices also rose in the supermarket too, it’s like a drop in the bucket.

  • How would you move all that water? A fleet of water trucks carrying thousands of gallons (barely a dent)? A series of pipes across hundreds/thousands of miles? Who’s going to pay for it? And then you get into the problem of not actually knowing when/where a flood is going to hit. Yes, there’s flood zones, but a pipe route is going to be very specific, I doubt you could just pick it up and move it wherever. Maybe something would be done for a long-term problem to alleviate an already permanently flooded area, but it seems like such a massively expensive undertaking, I’m not sure anyone would be willing to do it.