• redisdead@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Folding stock shotgun is actually terrible, you could practice for years and still be less accurate than a cop with a proper stock on their firearm.

    • WhatYouNeed@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      You telling me a 12 gauge (hell, lets make it 10 guage for fun) in a tight space like your hallway or someone coming thru your doorway is worse that an AR15?

      Why did the Germans try to get the trench gun banned in WW1? Because in close quarters (like inside a house) that shit is nasty.

      • redisdead@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        It’s not the shot, it’s the stock.

        First off the spread on a shotgun is not like a video game where your entire view is covered in lead. It’s still relatively grouped.

        Second, the trench gun had a stock. The stock is important. It allows you to properly and quickly aim at what you’re trying to shoot. The WW1 'Trench Gunn had a stock.

        If your goal is to take down home invaders, you want a stock on your shotgun.

        If you just want to put lead in your walls and furniture, go with a folding stock one.

        That being said, a gun is the least useful device you can acquire to help you during a home invasion. A firearm in your home is statistically more likely to cause accidental harm to you or your family than it is going to help you fight off hole invaders.


        You’d be better off investing in proper home security measures.

      • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
        6 months ago

        Yes, it absolutely is. The only people suggesting that it’s not are fudds. At home-invasion distances, there is no effective spread on your pellets; your shotgun pattern is a single hole. That means that, yes, you need to put that shotgun to your shoulder, and you need to aim. Given that–outside of box mag fed shotguns–you get 8 shots or less in that shotgun, you better hope that you’re a really good shot when someone else is actively shooting back.

        You know that the alternative in WWI was a bolt-action battle rifle, right? A pump or lever gun would have been far faster. The sturmgewehr StG-44 wasn’t invented until 1943; if it had been in existence in 1914, the Germans absolutely would have been using them in trench battles over. As it was, the Bergmann MP 18–the first real submachine gun, fielded in 1918, near the end of the war–gave a significant advantage in trench combat. (But by the time it hit front line troops, there wasn’t anything that could have stopped Germany from losing.)

        • WhatYouNeed@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          How many people are entering the house?

          Are they all Jason Bourne like fanatics who are willing to commit suicide in the process of killing you?

          If they are, then you have done something seriously horrific and they are most likely justified in seeking your end.

          House robbers? Fuck that, why would they get into a gun fight with someone blowing holes in their own walls? Easier targets to burgle than that.

          • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
            6 months ago

            How many people are entering the house?

            In this case, it was three armed home intruders, plus a getaway driver.

            Are they all Jason Bourne like fanatics who are willing to commit suicide in the process of killing you?

            If they are, then you have done something seriously horrific and they are most likely justified in seeking your end.

            …That’s quite a stretch, don’t you think? Bluntly, if anyone breaks into my home while I’m home, I’m going to assume that they’re intent on causing harm to me, because I’m sure as shit not going to politely ask them to fill out a questionnaire before acting.