When it comes to finding cool or interesting shit, do you feel like you find it more on NOSTR or Reddit?

If it’s NOSTR related lol I find it on nostr obviously lol but anything else, I find it on Reddit.

  • airrow
    1 year ago

    reddit but only because of nostr’s user unfriendliness (any tips on better making use of the platform?)

    • AliceOPMA
      1 year ago

      Which apps were you using for NOSTR ? Do you have android or iPhone?

      • airrow
        1 year ago

        no apps just desktop

        there was almost no organic engagement, just like on gab

        • AliceOPMA
          1 year ago

          So for desktop in my opinion https://lume.nu/ is the prettiest client to use. https://www.nostrapps.com/ there’s more for desktop here.


          Having said that.

          There is no one all be all no stir client for desktop iPhone or Android at all. What I mean by that is there is no app that has all the functionalities in order for it to be a fully functional app.

          I’m not explaining this because I think you’re retarded I’m just explaining it because it’s complicated and annoying and you get it.

          Basically you have to use a couple of no sir apps in order to perform certain functions.

          Like for instance on Amethyst you can see the live streams but you can’t live stream directly from the amethyst app.

          You have to go on a different app which I don’t even think they have a mobile app for, and you have to do it through there.

          My primary app is amethyst but I also have a bunch of communities. I can’t approve posts in amethyst so I use this app for Android called Spring it’s basically a noaster browser that has all the no straps in it.

          So from there I would go and open satellite Earth and approve posts.

          The noaster freaks will try and play this as an upside of no sir when it’s really not.

          Convenience of functionality is something that should be top priority not having all of these functions scattered around different apps.

          And they wonder why people are confused and don’t sign up?

          I definitely encourage you to ask some of your no-star questions in the Noster community because I’m really interested and what other questions and thoughts you have about it.

          I personally feel like the reason why communities haven’t taken off in Noster is because when you post something in a community it automatically shows up in the feed anyway.

          So really there’s no incentive given to other users to actually go to a community and have those specific topic based discussions.

          Honestly what worked for me when I first started no sir is I was being a f****** a****** and trolling people. Because nobody was replying. And then after that I guess that got me a following or something I don’t f****** know.

          I just started making a bunch of communities and asking a bunch of questions but still it’s the same thing in one of my favorite communities I would not get that many people responding the issue is that the developers are focusing more on the people focused aspect of it and not the community and topic based discussion aspect of Noster that’s why it’s failing flat for a lot of normies I guess in my opinion they need to get their priorities straight but they’re too busy jacking each other off and trying to make a name for themselves to get famous that’s what they’re concerned about don’t let them tell you any different.