Whether it’s housecleaning, car washing, grass cutting, dog walking, whatever.

If you can afford to pay someone fairly to perform a service, then do it. You’re not under some obligation to do everything yourself if you don’t have to, and there’s nothing wrong with, y’know, paying people for work.

Why even fucking care? If they’re getting paid well, then who gives a shit. Work is work. My aunt pays someone $150 a week to clean her house for four hours. My mom bitches about how my aunt is lazy and “selfish”. Look, $150 for four hours’ work is almost forty dollars an hour, so it’s not like she’s being exploited - and for the love of God, what difference does it even make? Would she be moaning if my aunt was paying someone to change her car’s oil or bake a birthday cake? But she could do that herself!

We’re all short on time. There’s nothing wrong with trying to find more by paying someone else to handle something for you. You have a job, they have a job, we’re all being paid by somebody to do something.

Disclaimer: The biggest controversy in this would likely be food delivery. Apps overcharge and treat drivers as contractors, but as someone who used to do DoorDash to make ends meet, I didn’t really resent anyone for ordering food and having me deliver it - but it still wasn’t ideal. I guess the way I feel about it is, it really depends on the circumstances, but the guy who called me lazy and self-indulgent for ordering food when I had COVID, and barely had the energy to go to the bathroom, can shut the hell up.

  • over_clox@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    You got my upvote 👍

    If you have a task that needs to be done, and you happen to have the money to pay someone else to do it, there’s a plenty of people out there that need work…