I’ve been consuming a lot of political content on both sides lately, but there’s one thing that seems to be common among the Republicans. They always point out Kamala’s shortcomings as a way to justify Trump’s right to be president. They constantly bring up Kamala’s wavering stances on fracking, the fact she hasn’t been to the border, and a lot of other stuff. And i just think to myself “okay, so what? She’s lied. So has Trump though”. Why are republicans making it sound like Trump hasn’t lied even moreso than Kamala?
Maybe the things Kamala lies about are so terrible? I really don’t know. Maybe I’m just too biased. Am i missing something?
That’s what they’ve done for like 8 years now, it’s the foundation of Whataboutism. No matter what you pin on Trump, they’ll jump on some other real or imagined wrong, no matter what it has to do with the conversation, and use that as justification for anything that Trump has done or will do. It’s just a way to sidestep or confuse the issue.
- “Trump is literally talking about becoming a fascist dictator.”
- “Yeah, but in the 12th century, Genghis Khan killed like 20–40 million people, that’s what we’re facing from Chi-na, they’re going to slaughter everyone if we don’t do anything about them and their takeover of China-store Kamala, she’s bought and paid for!”
- “WTF is wrong with you?”
It’s so widespread though which is what baffles me. Even political commentators i used to follow when i was still a young conservative make arguments like this. Surely they can’t all be this dumb.
Surely they can’t all be this dumb.
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
–George Carlin
Surely they can’t all be this dumb.
They are that dumb.
“Nothing is wrong with me. My eyes are open! You need to do your own research and learn the truth. Not from any mainstream sources though, nor any of these so-called experts. Just listen to trump and he’ll set you straight. FOX news reports it like it is. Then you’ll know the truth!”
The purpose of your post is to “beg the question” and launder a false premise that “she lies” as if the Republicans had any meaningful claims to make in that area. They don’t. Your core position here is flawed.
Yes, trump is worse on all accounts. Always. Put him next to just about any living human being, save for the ones who’s pants he drools on, he’s worse. Without anything close to an equivalence.
the ones whose* pants
I hesitated there, thanks. Do you feel confident with that spelling in this instance? Knew it felt off, but was sort of swimming in my head trying to decipher proper and didn’t want to stop to look it up at that moment.
Who’s = who+is.
Only whose is possessive, always.
I wasn’t laundering any false premises. I was only stating the fact that she has lied. I don’t doubt this because she IS a politician after all. The examples i used are things which the Republicans have brought up as “lies” which i acknowledge, and i assumed everyone also acknowledged. Of course, you’re free to disagree but I wasn’t trying to launder any false premises here.
You just acknowledging the blanket false claims, generalized “lies” and that framing is laundering their false premise. You conceding some sort of an equivalence and saying “so what, she lied” is further laundering their BS. If this wasn’t intentional, I’ll hear you out, but you need to then know that you’re being used as a puppet here then and unintentionally parroting what they’d like you to be saying. And, you should go add a note to your original post clarifying, if you’re sincere.
I will ask you this, “What do you ACTUALLY know here?” You mentioned lies about fracking, sincerely, what are you referencing there? If you don’t have specifics at hand, and you have to now scramble to look something up and double down, time to admit, again even if unintentionally, you are laundering republican bs.
Here I’ll help you:
Harris did not make her personal position on fracking clear during her only debate in 2020, the general election’s VP debate against then-VP Mike Pence (of “Hang Mike Pence” fame)
Harris never explicitly stated a personal position on fracking during that debate. She said that Biden, running for president with her supporting as VP, would not ban fracking if he was elected president.
During the 2020 VP debate, Harris said, “Joe Biden will not end fracking,” and “I will repeat, and the American people know, that Joe Biden will not ban fracking.”
Back before that VP debate, When Harris was actually running in the presidential primary on her own and could reference her own views on fracking directly, the furthest she came was “there’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”
There is no promise there. No lie told since. You can be in favor of something that isn’t politically feasible at a time, or feel you personally have more to learn. You can say something akin to, “that sounds like the right thing to do, but I’ll need to think about it more” that’s the measured stance of a thinking person.
So what was the lie there? Or again, were you laundering the republican’s bs propaganda to try to normalize the idea that " EVERYBODY just lies, man… so trump ain’t so bad I guess…" - intentionally or unintentionally.
Is that what you wanted me to say? Look man, I’m not a Conservative nor am i even American. Like i said, I’ve just been following the US election, and have been engaging in media from both sides. It’s possible that i have been “tricked” by the Republicans, but i was simply asking a question while both making some assumptions and stating a fact. And with the fracking:
Here’s her saying she is 100% in favour of banning fracking.
Here’s her backtracking on that
So clearly your claim “Harris did not make her personal position on fracking clear…” is false.
Also, where did you get the “everybody lies, so Trump’s not so bad i guess” from in my post. If you go back, and put on your reading glasses to see what i wrote, you’ll see that i was asking why people bring up Kamala’s “lies” when Trump is even worse of a liar.
Backtracking five years later isn’t strictly the same thing as lying. Five years is enough time to learn new information, and she’s being upfront about the change. I’d be more concerned if she were saying right up until the election that she’s going to ban fracking, then suddenly refused to do so as president.
Fair enough then. These are the criticisms I’ve heard from people on the right though. I just wanted some clarification. Thanks!
Why are republicans making it sound like Trump hasn’t lied even moreso than Kamala?
Because it works with their idiot base.
It’s just what you do when your side doesn’t have a justifiable platform on it’s own merit: See: All the people who keep telling us to ignore all the bad stuff corporate dems do because Trump would be worse.
IF you could actually run on things people liked, you’d talk about that and perhaps only call out your opponent’s opposition to the things you support or show how they might be lying about claims that they want similar things.
But when your core platform is “let rich people keep doing what they want,” you have to find ways to deflect from that.
Some people choose to belittle others to make themselves feel bigger rather than strive to be better.
I was sitting at the doctor’s office and overheard an old man claim Harris was so stupid that she couldn’t figure out how to use a vacuum.
It broke MY brain trying to wrap my head around that one.
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Wow, you’ve gotten worse.
I’m trying to summon my inner Ben Shapiro here. This isn’t my opinion but my understanding of what he has said on the subject.
While Trump lies a lot, he’s fundamentally a bullshitter, which is different. A liar knows the truth but chooses to deceive, whereas a bullshitter doesn’t care about truth in the same way. When Trump says something like, “We’re going to withdraw from NATO,” he’s often expressing a sentiment or creating leverage rather than making a literal commitment. He treats politics like business deals, where you start with an extreme offer, then meet somewhere in the middle. He has argued that in the case of NATO, for example, this approach worked: other member states did increase their defense spending (though the war in Ukraine played a role too).
So, the point is that Trump’s statements should often be taken as rhetorical posturing - ways to push for certain outcomes - rather than literal promises. From a Republican perspective, his actions during his first term ultimately aligned with their goals, which explains their relative tolerance of his exaggerations. In contrast, they see Kamala Harris (and Biden) as engaging in misrepresentation that has led to policies Republicans find harmful, so there’s a greater focus on what they see as her inconsistency between words and actions.
That is a lot of mental gymnastics even for Shapiro.
When Trump says he is going to withdraw from NATO it isn’t 4d chess he is playing. He is not a mastermind of anything. Rather he says and does what he is told to by his handlers.
He is not a businessman in any respect unless you mean a failed businessman whose image was rehabilitated by a reality TV show called the Apprentice.
If he had never touched his daddies money and just left it invested he would be several times wealthier than he is now.
He is perhaps the perfect person to destroy the presidency though which he has done a decent job at. You must understand the real goal of the conservatives is to prove our government is failing by making it fail.
This is a perspective i have never seen before. While his methods still seem underhanded. It at least provides some logical basis as to why people still support Trump in spite of his lies
It’s a stretch to assume they’ve thought it through to this degree.
Republican supporters eat, sleep, and breathe contradicting thought. It’s baked into their worldview (looking at you, Christians).
Because it’s nothing more than a popularity contest for them. This isn’t the future of the country (or world) for them, it’s junior prom.
Generally speaking, a politician considers their voter base to either be the stupidest motherfuckers on the whole planet, or the most gullible. More often than not, it’s the former
Repubs have nothing but DARVO to work with when mudslinging.
It’s the opposite everytime someone criticize Kamala, her defenders can’t stop bringing trump in the picture
Unfounded accusations are not the same as proven Loes by Trump either. And the Trump team constantly fabricate lies Kamala told. Not saying she has not, or the truth is more nuances than a soundbite.
To be honest, I do the same thing. I would vote for a dead person to avoid Trump’s shortcomings.
Because politics?