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Peertube is now popular than Lemmy according to Fedidb monthly user activity.

The peertube (463.8k) registered accounts is only 1893 users behind lemmy’s (465.7k) Userbase.

I’m really glad more people are seeing the value of the video platform.

The recently released app on the playstore has 1k downloads.

The app store has 2 reviews while the play store has none. Thats funny as android users tend to review more often.

    2 days ago

    I might be totally wrong here, but I think this is people trying to learn linux in anticipation of Windows 11.

    Last time I looked at peertube EVERY video was a linux tutorial. So if there’s an influx of people watching linux content, but no influx of linux users, that tells me these are non-users trying to learn what they don’t know.

    With that said, my source is my ass, and I may have a huge bias, as I’M currently trying (and failing) to learn linux. I hadn’t considered peertube, but logically now that you mention it…maybe I SHOULD try peertube! I mean it makes sense, right?