For the record I was posting in support of inclusive language, but pointing out that context and convention matter.
They seem to have even scrubbed my comment from their instance, lol.
For the record I was posting in support of inclusive language, but pointing out that context and convention matter.
They seem to have even scrubbed my comment from their instance, lol.
I was once told my choice of defaulting to referring to people as they/them is offensive to nonbinary people. I don’t necessarily know your pronouns at that particular instance of time when speaking, and being offensive is not my intention, but it seems to happen anyway.
Which is why I call they/them the equal oppurtunity offender. It doesn’t discriminate in its neutralness.
Wait until they hear what non-binary sounds like in Spanish, a language that genders every noun as either male or female.
At least from one Non Binary, I default they/them and have no idea why I personally would find it offensive.
I usually get a lot of hate when I call it “binary thinking” to see only two extreme polar opposite sides to any issue. Some people don’t relate to that term outside of gender issues.
This is the most retarded shit about us on the left. We fight over every little thing while the right can unite over only one issue.
They/them is extremely practical and I’ve yet to meet a non-binary person in real life who complains about the umbrella usage of it. Some people just want to be offended or want to police behaviour. They should stay on twitter.
What the hell? I call everyone they these days as to not offend anyone, I’m trying to be inclusive with this.
Once it’s cheap enough, I will unironically just pay for Gemmini or something to monitor my comments and keep track of all the rules. I can’t possibly deal with all the nuances and expectations of every instance.
If someone is still offended after that, idk what to say.
Just don’t care if you get banned other than to whine about it in whine subs.