I am a Computer Hardware professional. I started working with computer technology in the early eighties. I have seen the evolution of technology starting with closed platforms like the game console era and then the move toward open platforms like the Home Computer Golden Age. In the last 5 or 10 years, I have witnessed technology changes that are slowly moving away from open hardware designs towards hardware that is locked down and can’t be modified by the user.
What are ASRock doing?
ASRock servers, minipcs and mitx industrial boards are highly compatible with Linux, and it’s intentional. Sometimes trailing chipset versions just to stay that way.
I think my home server build will eventually be based on a used Asrock industrial mainboard. I’ve heard nothing but good feedback.
I remember them being a bit of a small upstart company years ago when I started paying attention to computer stuff.
They’ve been around since the 00s
Absolutely, but at least for the type of builds I was looking at, which were all gaming machines, Asrock kind of seemed like the more unpredictable budget option.
Not at all. They have entire lines of gaming boards and GPUs.
They do now. The commenter was using past tense.
The firmware they use is closed source though
Lol. 99% of all hardware manufactured uses closed source BIOS. It’s not a concern.
Oooh, didnt know asrock made minipcs, im gonna have to look into that!