Tell a fish success is measured by climbing a tree, and he will spend his whole life thinking he’s a failure.

What skills, attitudes, personality traits have you seen mismatched to a certain job that later made the individual an awesome worker in another job?

  • ERROR: Earth.exe has
    2 months ago

    Questioning your superior’s orders in the military is probably gonna get you yelled at, probably dishonorably discharged, and if at war, could cause your country to lose a battle, or possibly a war.

    Questioning your captain’s orders on an airplane is a good part of Crew Resource Managenment (CRM) and sometimes can let the captain realize his/her mistake and avoid a catastrophe. And sometimes it even goes as far as just telling your captain to fuck off and you take over the controls, if the captain’s capacity to fly is demininished for some reason (aka: subtle incapcitation).