Because advocating running people over totally isn’t encouraging violence 🙄
Not running people over, running poors over
Assuming the mods name relates to the sub name.
The sub exists to make fun of those people sharing their message with silly stickers.
The redditor actively doing the same (obviously not just making fun of the car owner).
So obviously this sticker and mod are fucking awful, but it’s worth keeping in mind that, if you’re at a protest or even just crossing the street, it doesn’t matter who’s right when it comes to a car vs the human body if push comes to shove. I’ve seen protesters (rightfully) call out a car for trying to push through them, but they also started mobbing the car, which in turn panicked the driver who then recklessly sped off. Thankfully no one on foot seemed seriously injured, but it made me wonder what they thought was going to happen by surrounding the driver like that. Protest away, but keep your safety (and others) in mind, too.
Oh, well I guess I hope this mod gets nonviolently hit by a car
Kind of funny, in a dickish way
… but it would be karmic if it were used to establish intent
As seen on the back of the New Orleans rampager’s blood spattered carnage truck.
How to get your vehicle keyed
This looks photoshopped but i don’t know why. The bottom line of text has no warping while the top line + image have more noticable warping.
Road protests are cringe and fuck over the wrong people. This green mario shit tho…
Won’t somebody please think of the cars?
Forgive me if I’m missing something, but… how is this related to Reddit?
Did you miss the part where it was posted to Reddit?
Yep. Apparently I’m blind. Nevermind me.
Reddit mods calling out violence against windows, but not against people
Funny but I saw the original post and I’m pretty sure the point was to mock or chastise the person who had this bumper sticker, not celebrate it. So it doesn’t seem inconsistent to allow it while also removing that comment.
Removed by mod
You cannot do violence against someone else’s property.
You are property of the ruling class, and so they (or their henchmen) are free to damage you.
I completely agree but that’s a conclusion that requires someone to think deeply about these topics and challenge the common definition of words. Most people haven’t done that, so I was setting that aside in this case. I don’t really blame people for not having challenged deeply held belief systems and categories of transgressive behavior in our society, much as I wish they would.
Don’t promote violence ^^against your fellow man^ CEOs are Okay though, they can afford security^
So the woman who in frustration said the “DDD, you’re next” words to insurance company denying her claim is charged with terrorism, but this is fine? even though a lot more non-CEOs have been killed this way on multiple occasions including last week, compared to that one CEO killed in an act that wasn’t even terrorism.
Maybe this was said ironically.
Or literally: Mod was saying “you must not promote violence; you must commit it”.
Don’t promote violence … against your fellow slaves.
Get off the fucking road and hurt the people responsible.
Mamma Mia!
except he didn’t
the CEO (forgot his name) was only a player. The ones responsible are the legislators that make (or refuse to make in this case) the rules.
not sure i would agree with this necessarily, given that many of these CEOs are the reasons the laws get made in the first place with their lobbying. definitely feels like an effective message was delivered. if only we could get on delivering it 16 or 17 more times