• jeremyparker@programming.dev
    7 months ago

    Y’all mf’ers need to read The Secret Life of Plants. It’s fascinating.

    It’s from the 1970s or 80s, and it talks about this stuff in extreme depth - plant communication, plants understanding their environment… Long range communication & telepathic plants…

    You gotta understand, there’s absolutely zero science to it – TSLoP is richly detailed with unconfirmed anecdotal evidence, some lady said this, a man from Tucson said this other thing, etc. If it was real, it would be world changing, but, at this point, it’s a pretty crazy claim that would need some pretty crazy evidence.

    But it’s still fascinating – both from it’s own kayfabe, like, imagine a world in which this was real – and in terms of “conspiracy theories” – is not a conspiracy but it’s clear bullshit so the who and why of it’s believers is interesting. Because it’s not like most conspiracies, which usually eventually lead back to antisemitic and Christian supremacist stuff. TSLoP is a legit leftist conspiracy, all its own thing.

    So, if you see The Secret Life of Plants at a used bookstore for a couple dollars, pick it up, it’s really neat.

  • Garbanzo@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Bro, not only are they sentient, the trees fucking hate us. Allergies aren’t just something that happens as a quirk of evolution. Those trees are filling the air with their jizz in a coordinated effort to take us out bro. The trees are trying to kill us bro.

    • NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      I just want to point out that this source indicates researchers reviewed 1500 papers on the topic and found that unsupported claims had doubled.

      However, they never indicate the number or give a percentage of those 1500 papers that featured unsupported claims.

      So is it doubling from 2 to 4, or from 700 to 1400? Because that’s a major difference.

      This is a problem with AI articles on science. They skim other AI articles and repeat without bringing all the important facts with them. Then we get dozens of results for one claim about science, with only maybe one or two original sources.

      Then the idea spreads through reddit or whatever forum you prefer.

      We know trees share resources, that they have been demonstrated to signal pain and danger to other plants, that they signal food availability to pollinators via electromagnetic fields. We have had hard evidence for all of this.