It’s always the same “free speech” they’re being censored for
Private entities have the right to decide what is or is not acceptable content on their platforms. Consumers also have the right to choose which services they want to use.
I encourage everyone to stop using anything involved with Meta. I personally have a list of Meta domains blocked on my home network.
If enough people did this, the problem would resolve itself.
This is why its important for us to retain the right to what Cory Doctorow calls “self-help”.
Our right to access and modify things are being stripped away and that gives the platforms even more power!
Today, if you released a tool to bring your Facebook friend list to another platform you’d get sued into oblivion.
Only problem is that the echo chamber gets louder.
The people in the echo chamber seem to actually enjoy yelling at people outside of it, though. So it’s not as enjoyable for them either.
The people I know are too addicted to quit. They need to leave for another platform like people did with x to blue sky… that’s the only way I see people getting out of the meta world.
*in the usa
In other places content moderation for major platforms is mandatory as a way to protect free speech and reduce the spread of disinformation.
Although some consider this censorship, a free for all with a power imbalance is not a good thing for society
Private entities have the right to decide what is or is not acceptable content on their platforms
Exactly. Not sure why people have this expectation that facebook is some kind of serious platform that should be held to some high journalistic standard
It was a website for rating girls. It’s always been a joke website. People should be free to post whatever offensive and non-factual nonsense they want there (and its related subsidiaries)
If your entire life is so deeply entwined with facebook that you cant leave, and you demand that they only allow nice content, that’s a YOU problem.
This is not a defense of facebook. This is me saying facebook is shit, it’s ALWAYS been shit. Just walk away
How about “billionaires are edible” or “Tech bros are welfare queens” or “Watch out for a-luigi”?
Look on the bright side: they’re saying these things under their legal names. You’ll know who they are and where they live.
they’re saying these things under their legal names
Facebook has plenty of promotional accounts, stale accounts hijacked by scammers, and straight up fake accounts. Hell, Meta’s been premiering entirely AI generated profiles.
You could be getting N-bombed by a fully automated synthetic personality before too long.
True, but also, there will be plenty of morons that just openly reveal who they are on their Facebook timeline. That’s still useful.
Although being called slurs by a chatbot will probably just make people stop using Facebook.
Trans people are immortal?
How to live forever with this simple trick!
I’m feeling a little trans today.
Can I also say, that Trumpist are fundamentalist Christian snowflakes, who don’t even know what their own fucking holy book is saying?
I guess, the field is leveled?
Some of the text said that saying “white people have mental illness” would be prohibited on Facebook, but saying “gay people have mental illness” was allowed, they said.
No, that’s hate speech.
Facebook was blocking posts with urls in a group admin chat the other day.
It also was removing content it didn’t like. But we were trying to discuss a DM someone received from another member. So they were allowing one user to call another a “gay ass bitch” but we couldn’t discuss it as admins.
I’ll leak my policy: unless it’s clearly in an ironic sense, if I spot any of those examples here on the Fediverse, I will report them.
Can you also post: 'Kill all the CEOs" or “We need more Luigis” or will that not fall under free speech Mr Suckitberg?
Those get you deboosted, or even banned.
Mark Zuckerberg is Trash! Billionaires are immoral!
Fact check that shit.
Enough fact checking and arguing with their bullshit. It’s obviously all lies and nonsense they spew, it’s time to just dispose of them and start over.
Anyone else like me—who is not a Facebook/Instagram user—learning for the first time that these things could not be said before?
Don’t get me wrong, I was taught better than that and anyone who says this stuff is a loser. Just never knew before this story that those posts/comments were blocked.
Yeah that’s me. Back when I used Facebook you could say whatever the hell you wanted, and I thought and still think that’s how it should be.
For some reason this is now an unpopular opinion? What do I care if someone posts mean things? That’s life, people say mean shit all the time. We trying to stop that??
All of these news agencies are against this rule? Yet they keep posting and putting the offensive sentence right in the headline lol. That’s only spreading the message
What’s crazy to me is just how inconsistent it is. You can call a group of people trash and that’s okay, but calling them vermin isn’t?
Wonder how far you can take insulting CEOs
Credible threat probably.
Credible burn probably
Good. Let people say what they want and if you don’t like it, ignore them.
I agree with this simple yet unpopular opinion. I don’t need feelings and thought police.
Leaked? They’re on their official “hateful conduct” guidelines
Are free to, and in fact encouraged, …