• 13 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • Not the OP, but gain a little experience and then be willing to change areas (markets). I’ve found counterintuitively that working in high cost of living (col) markets with larger salaries is better than working in low col markets where nobody is willing to pay anything.

    But my advice there might be stale as i bought a condo right before the 2020 price hikes. Being a new entry to a high priced market may no longer net the same amount of benefit. But you can run the numbers. For instance, if you move to a place where your rent doubles from 12k to 24k a year but your salary also doubles 55k to 110k, that’s losing 12k post tax to make 55k pre tax so it’s likely worth it.

    But some markets have gotten very unaffordable, so the math may not always work. High col areas often find people unwilling or unable to move into them as well which lowers the competition a little.

    I have other recommendations i could throw toward people looking to scrimp and save, but honestly none of them had as much effect on my financial life. Making more money by changing markets and job hopping made it so that i now am pretty financially stable in what’s considered a very unaffordable city.

  • Trump did not pass a tax overhaul, that’s just how we speak about it. Congress passed one and Trump signed it. The makeup of Congress at the time was such that they had a majority in both chambers, and did not require a filibuster proof majority in the Senate for the type of bill they passed.

    Biden was handed a roughly 50-50 Congress and Senate Democrats (especially the rotating villains like Manchin and Sinema) care much more about decorum and procedural rules than Republicans.

    In addition, Congress had just dealt with an insurrection attempt, the country was basically on fire from Trump’s mishandling of the COVID crisis, and Biden had other early priorities…like getting the vaccine program up and running.

    The mid-terms didn’t go terribly for Biden, but they didn’t go exceedingly well either. Biden’s hands have been tied by a divided Congress since 2022…which the President doesn’t get into office until 2021 so…there’s an approximate timeline for you. There is a reason Presidents used to talk “bigly” about their first 100 days, and much of Biden’s first 100 were spent digging out from the crater that Trump had left him.

    The rich also run this country and largely wrote the bill themselves. Since the needs of the rich and industry drive nearly all of the policy discussions and congressional priorities in this country, Trump and friends were able to quickly get everyone on board so that they can keep getting that sweet, sweet donor money on the backs of the giant tax breaks they just gave their donors.

  • I just had a horrifying thought while wondering what these TV manufacturers will do with the TVs if you just never connect them to the Internet.

    I know people are worried about them jumping on your neighbor’s WiFi without prompting, or even hacking your own connection, etc but I think that seems unlikely because of how deeply illegal it is…but my horrifying thought was that they could just create a new, free mesh network that only serves up ads.

    You’d need a fucking faraday cage wrapped around your TV in order to not see ads.

    Now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go throw up. 🤮