This seems pretty important to crowdsource and talk about, so I’m gonna go ahead and risk violating the no politics rule from a few days ago, because I don’t see a better community to ask this. My defense for it not “being politics” is, I’m asking you to keep it to purchasing decisions and how the details of how the tariffs are likely to work, as opposed to who did what. This thread has the potential to save people lots of money if it gets big!
Tariffs are gonna make things more expensive for Americans; what are you planning on buying now instead of later, or stockpiling a little of?
Been archiving a lot of my favourite shows. I expect a lot of them to either disappear in ten years, or sit behind some subscription.
This is probably a different discussion, but anybody with tips, tricks, and details of where and how to do this safely, this might not be a bad place to show off what you know.
Step 1. Get a VPN. Probably a paid one that aligns with the needs of the client. Step 2. Get an app for p2p/torrent downloads to make things fast. Step 3. Configure your app of choice to strictly use the tun0 (VPN) only and nothing else. Just in case you get a lapse. Step 4. Do it like it’s 2008 again baby!
Use mullvad. Pay with a fresh crypto wallet. And use Usenet.
Fill up your pantry. Focus on grains which are labor intensive.
Once the deportations camps get rolling expect all the grocery prices to rise again. Having a full pantry will let you float for a while so you can adapt to newer recipes in your price range.
Yup, started focusing on that this week myself, just buying extra rice, pasta, canned goods at least until the inauguration.
If you are willing to grind your own grain, whole grains can be stored in plastic buckets for years without spoiling. You’ve probably got to like whole grain stuff, sifting to get white flour is a pain.
Panic buying like this only leads to more price increases. I just buy the minimum, like usual.
The real question is does panic buying now make goods cost more than a 100% tariff will?
In the short-term, absolutely. Look what happened when panic buying happened during the start of COVID.
I’m in the process of buying land to homestead on. Solar, rain water, green house, etc. my goal is to be as self sufficient as I can be.
To prepare for food shortages/price increases: I’m buying seeds for things I know I can grow in our garden, and stocking up on one or two of each of the fungicides, pesticides, and soil amendments that we regularly use. I bought 30 pound sacks of rice and beans, two large boxes of shelf stable nutrition shakes, and shelf stable vacuum sealed bread. We’re considering buying half a cow with the neighbors, who have a deep freezer. I want to buy a pot plant, it’ll probably depend on how much they cost. I already have a good supply of sunflower lecithin so I can make my own edibles.
To prepare for the EPA being gutted or other impacts of climate change: we bought AA and AAA batteries and refilled everything in our bug out bags, including first aid stuff and emergency high calorie food (in case of natural disasters.) We’re installing a reverse osmosis filter in the kitchen sink (we’re concerned about water safety as there have already been problems in our area due to old infrastructure) and it comes with a storage tank. Made sure we had plenty of candles, matches, flashlights, charcoal, lighters and lighter fluid, and a small grill for outside. Have an adapter for the car so we can plug things in if the power goes out.
To prepare for FDA/insurance/medical issues: We bought extra vitamins, and we’re asking our doctors to prescribe as much of our necessary drugs as they are allowed to. I learned how to do all my physical therapy at home and have been collecting home exercise equipment for a while, unrelated to this but I’m grateful to have it all now. We also bought a few large bottles of rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. We already have a massive collection of OTC meds because I’m chronically ill and use them often. We plan to add a couple extra boxes of the most important stuff the next few grocery trips. Most important for us: painkillers, epi pens, allergy meds, inhalers, hydrocortisone, and diaper rash cream. No baby but it’s useful for a lot of skin irritations.
For general preparation: I looked at the labels on all our personal care products (lotion, face wash, etc) and if it’s made outside of the U.S. we ordered as much as we could afford, usually 1-2 of each. We’re low maintenance so thankfully it wasn’t too expensive. New undies for everyone, filters for everything that needs them (furnace, vents, pet fountains, etc.) Made sure we had needles, thread, super glue, duct tape, white vinegar, borax, and a couple things of Dr. Bronner’s soap. We’re also saving all our glass jars, packaging, etc (thank God we have a garage…) My grandparents lived through the depression and taught me how to make do and mend. That’s my mindset right now.
We have a bidet and already buy TP in bulk so I’m not super worried about paper products. All our pets got checkups and boosters. We made appointments to get all our boosters as well (tetanus, covid, flu shot, etc.) We got a pet first aid kit and book. I got some general house stuff like wood filler, wood conditioner, nails, screws, and cleaning supplies. We shop at costco so honestly it’s not much more than we usually have in the house.
I might be over prepared but I don’t care. We’ve only spent ~$500 and decided to skip Christmas gifts so thankfully we can afford it. I’m considering a few more things but as it stands I’m feeling prepared.
What water filter did you decide on?
We went with the APEC 5 stage RO filter. It was the best mix (for us) of easy to install and maintain, good reviews on multiple platforms, and affordable. We’re getting replacement filters for each other for Christmas 😂
Batten down the hatches!
My personal desktop machine is a Linux box I assembled from $500 worth of parts about 14 years ago. I’ve increased RAM and added about 8TB of storage for an Emby instance.
It still manages to get the job done, but it is obviously way, way, WAY overdue for replacement. We’ve been struggling financially for about 25 years.
Now I’m thinking I need to finally pull the trigger and get it done before January.
IMO there’s little need to buy new in the computer world unless you want to do something silly like have a snapdragon x laptop or have the disposable funds to go the gaming rig route.
My desktop is a retired business workstation, a HP Z420. I bought it for $250, installed a smaller SSD ($100 new) for the OS + apps, upgeaded to the “best” Xenon that fit the socket ($150 used), upgraded to 64 GB RAM ($107 used, yay ECC memory being dirt cheap on the used market), and a 1070TI ($225 used, purchased just before covid).
It’s more than fast enough for my needs still.
This was all about 4-5 years ago, so you could probably do even better with more modern hardware.
Absolutely. Not because of Trump directly but because of Taiwan. China now has a card blanche basically.
Carte blanche, i.e. blank check. Just sharing in case that wasn’t a typo
Yeah, it was… autocorrect
Sorry to bother, autocorrect is dire these days isn’t it?
The easy way to save is to buy used. You can usually buy a super high spec one for 500 to 800 USD used. I think I spent 600 for mine with a 3070 (from hardwareswap, about 1k or so in parts)
Its rough because your talking years. you might be able to stave off a little of the pain but eventually your going to feel it.
For a lot of things yeah, but not for like, a fridge or a couch. Was wondering about other things in that category I hadn’t thought of.
Yeah if you have ones that need replacing or at least are close or at least are more energy efficient. If they are relatively new im now sure if you would still “win” out. I get what your asking, I think part of it is I have been thinking of it myself and in my case I have somewhat recently already done my fridge, washer/dryer, hot water heater, and stove. Which I mean is a good thing as some of them I even got before the last burst of inflation. I was sorta kicking myself for others as we had the large inflation but now it might end up being a great time to do it. I sorta wish I could have gotten my whole place renovated.
Got some kitchen appliances I’ve been putting off upgrading, buying a new TV now, new PC. Basically if theres electronics that probably won’t make it for four years, buy it now.
Get your garden going too. Been extremely poor, it helps a ton.
Oh just fyi, of you have to buy from a big box store, Lowe’s donate the most to Democrats and last to Republicans. Fuck home Depot.
I predicted this. I said if we ever tried to block politics it would devolve into nitpicking what is and isn’t political.
But to answer the question: If your computer shit is about due for a upgrade, don’t wait.
Grocery prices would probably keep going up no matter who got elected, so gardening supplies would be a good investment over time. Along with gardening comes the peripheral skills of cooking and preserving when it’ll hurt your soul to see any of your sweet baby tomatoes go to waste.
I’m American.
I dont have the money to stockpile anything.
Food, but not primarily for cost savings as most regular used things things don’t last longer than a year, which cost wise won’t bridge the gap.
55 lbs of 00 flour in the chest freezer, still have about 25lbs of AP flour in there. 1 30lb bag of Jasmine Rice, 1 25 lb basmati. I still have a ton of beans and and dry pasts in mylar/oxy absorb sitting in barens cans for long term storage. When covid started, I had 1 million calories in storage. I don’t plan to go back to that, but I intend to be able to hunker down for a long time.
For work, I’m pushing to purchase more laptops before tariffs.
I’ve considered stowing fuel with a stabilizer but even if prices double on fuel, I don’t use enough of it to make a difference.
It would be a good time to buy any lithium ion batteries and finish off those ali-express/temu orders.
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Unfortunately plane tickets out of the country are already up.
Jk, mostly.
You’ll pay a premium for a flight on a Boeing plane, ironic
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Seems like a healthy relationship.
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Le Creuset.
Cast iron is imported from France.
Ceramics are imported from China.
Le Creuset casserole pots are awesome.
I’m biased, I inherited one from my grandmother, it’s 70 years old and looks brand new.
Then I found an outlet store near me.