Well, it was the birthplace of t_d… not like it didn’t have lots of right wing voices before.
I’m familiar with t_d. They have always been there but they would sequester themselves to right wing spaces. Election time they’d come out their hidey holes but were very easy to spot.
I’m watching leftist subs already get filled up with Russian propaganda about the election being stolen. It’s depressing. They’re doing the same shit to us as they did to the right in 2020 and we’re falling for it.
Yep, vast majority is foreign actors is my guess. Trying to get us to tear ourselves apart
“Going to?”
One of the reasons I came to Lemmy was because I was tired of their rhetoric. It became very sexist and racist. Not to mention is almost all bots just posting and replying to each other. Reddit was turning into cesspool ages ago.
It was the firing of Victoria in 2015 that was a noticeable enshitification moment for me, perhaps followed by the 2016 election where people seemed to lose the ability to have a discussion altogether (increase of bots no doubt not helping). But the worsening trends were there before hand, these were just moments of acceleration.
A lot of active people left, be it here, Tildes, Discuit, Discord.
The population still there has a higher right wing ratio
Reddit needs to switch because the right wing propaganda machine doesn’t like competition and wants reddit for itself. They aren’t going to Twitter it because it fragile enough, being mod run, to fall apart. Instead they will flip it.
The amount of content about Israel/Palestine that is swamped by Zionists on Reddit would imply that it is mostly already far right. The latest being the attempts to control the narrative of what happened in Netherlands around the football match. But not sure anyone believes the Zionist side of that one.
The stuff coming from r normaldayinrussia was concerning and this was pre election.
Not just right wing voices emerge, democratic people now see it’s pointless to argue. Which is the much bigger damage. Imagine what happens when people no longer fight back. We live in post-factual times, it’s over.
That’s why you should be absent from reddit in the first place. Lp
Reddit is the past.
Not my eyes
Not to be “that guy,” but it really has been happening for quite awhile now (/r/thedonald as one example). And I agree it seems inevitable that it will only get worse.
Starting to emerge or the left wing bots going down? Or the insanely heavy handed left wing mods not banning every person for being even slightly right wing because they got a reality check?
It’s been that way unfortunately.
Reddit is going to transition to a right wing platform right before our eyes.
is going to
Perhaps all the bots pushing her campaign got shut down, and the site is now organic again?
There’s no way r/all was that interested in her campaign to start with. The past couple of weeks have been super weird. I check the top 10 post on r/all regularly to see if anything special is going on in the world as i can’t be bothered doom scrolling news sites.
All that’s been on the top is how amazing she is and awful he is. I highly doubt the average user is that invested in the topic.
Because there weren’t any fascist bots?
Not the first time, same thing happened in 2016
2016 was an absolute shit show on Reddit. It was a dogfight between the Bernie Bros and the Trumpers until Bernie got knocked out of the primaries then knocked off Reddit by CTR. Then it was a dogfight between the ShillDawgs and the MAGAts with the t_d’ers eventually coming out on top because of their willingness to endlessly game the Reddit algorithm.