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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • A game can only give you so many hours before it becomes boring. Sandbox games aside, most are done after 100 to 200 hours. More content wouldn’t really revive them as you already know the gameplay loop.

    Graphics isn’t as important as art style, however I’d rather play a game with realistic graphics but lack of distinguishing art direction, than one with art direction but overall being too basic with their graphics. Graphics is a huge part of immersion to me.

    I play a lot of indie games with poor graphics. Best example Minecraft, but when I can install higher resolution textures, realistic lighting and animated foliage, it is eye candy. I can just stand there and look at the beautiful world and relax. I do need zero gameplay at this point and am still entertained.

    Gameplay is overrated, give me pretty graphics. Be it realistic or not.

  • Sounds like a faulty PSU. I had that happen and it went away as soon as I got a replacement. GPUs can cause power spikes beyond the specifications in the millisecond range, causing the overload protection of the PSU to kick in and shut down the PC. This causes no bluesceen and creates a reboot instead. It’s hard to track down because the windows error log can say all sorts of things.

    Alternative remove your GPU driver via DDU uninstall tool and clean install it. I also had one system that didn’t like TPM enabled, but it’s basically requirement for win11, so.

  • I think we’re about 95% there. I think Linux needs to be streamlined a bit. I know that’s a personal list and some Linux cracks might not even get what I mean, as it’s so natural to them, but I’d like to see better guidance on 1. the installation 2. about updating and 3. about the permission system.

    1. There are so many distributions that the general “pick what suits you most” or the “hey, just pick XY and go!” are no good answers. When someone is ready to switch away from Windows, the burden of choice is a real factor. I know often people say, just get Ubuntu and that’s it. But you still have people actively recommended Mint, popOS etc to new people, as if it fixes all their issue. But what’s suggested, just depends on what is the new hype, instead of focusing on one.

    Also for a newby it is totally not clear what kernel is and which I need. I still don’t understand why there are so many and which I need for that OS I installed. I recently tried to get Linux on a surface tablet and I couldn’t figure out how to make touch work properly. I installed Ubuntu surface, then switched to wayland, then tried KDE and a different UI, I think it was x11 or something like that and while touch works, it now randomly stops working for no reason and no way to find the process that froze. Then you find threads that say you did everything wrong and no one uses what you do, but I just did read a new thread about it. No it’s all wrong, start with Z.

    This is totally unintuitive. Make a Ubuntu mainstream pleb version and force every Linux user to only recommend this one version. Period. There needs to be a consent on where to direct people to. It’s nice to have options but 99,9% of the people switching away from Windows don’t need it. Also make it so people really don’t need to know how kernel and different UIs work, I don’t need that for windows either, unless we talk about major version changes. Which already feel different and people already have issues switching from win10 to win11.

    Also you always got to read endless lists of installation processes, because every distribution works differently. Then you want to use a console command, but it doesn’t work, because the underlying library is missing, so it throws unknown errors. That’s where people quite, as it’s piling up issues instead of resolving them.

    1. updating feels still a bit strange. This needs to be as easy as windows. Zero clicks at best and one at most. I still had programs that needed multiple dependencies and multiple individual installations for things to work. It’s practical that Linux isn’t as bloated as windows, many Linux fans love that, but it sucks when you come from Windows and things simply don’t work. I don’t remember the last time I needed to find a windows driver other than a GPU driver and even those have automatic updates now, including my mainboard and other chip drivers. Not so on Linux. It’s really nothing windows user want to deal with anymore. For gaming for example, if I want to use CUDA or raytracing or FSR options for a game, this should work out of the box.

    2. The permission system needs to be as intuitive and easy as windows. Yes windows sometimes suck, especially if you don’t run it under an admin account and yes sometimes you simply don’t get the permission for a folder for no real reason, but that’s about it. Linux it feels twice as complicated. Maybe speaks for it’s security but it’s also a huge weight, causing all sorts of frustration where a ton of people simply say quits and move back to windows.

    Overall it’s still too much of a nerd thing. If all you do is install Firefox, you might get by, but as soon as you try to do much else, you get hammered with options and therefore possible frustration.

    Hopefully steam OS will solve this as gamer will recommended this one OS and not one of the thousands of different Linux versions. Because from the outside it doesn’t feel like a different color, it feels like “maybe I should have picked Linux version Y, instead of X, and save myself a lot of frustration.” And you do this once or maybe never and are done trying. There’s a reason why Linux has so few users still. It’s not simple resentment of windows users.

    The first Linux that makes gaming a non issue, as all DRM and anti cheat work, will get my attention and even then, I know there’ll be frustration, by setting something up outside the norm, because I will likely need to tinker with some hidden config and read obscure online threads to fix that one issue I would never have on windows. Download an extra missing config file. And this doesn’t even keep in mind, that if you dare to ask someone about your specific Linux issue, you get replies like “get good”.

    I really like what Linux tries to do, but I think the users all brush off the very rough edges, to make themselves feel superior. If you watch some Linux subreddit or Lemmy, you can smell the superiority and every discussion I had about linux in real life with Linux fans, always was like “oh I don’t have this issue under Linux” but then they hide all the issues they have and the thousands of hours the spend on fixing a specific issue. But at least they can say they don’t touch the evil windows, and so shouldn’t you.