• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 16th, 2024


  • ZILtoid1991@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzImplications
    1 month ago

    It depends on the type of time travel rules. One theory suggest going back in time creates a branch in the time-space continuum, one where the time travel happened, one where it did not.

    With this branching time-space rule, there’s one timeline, where no time travellers appeared, and one where they did.

  • Not in workplace, but seeing older people in my country fetishizing suffering and injuries during work, and thus them throwing a temper tantrum every time workplace conditions improved, or the worst thing: not getting covered in oil during office work, and blaming said office workers for economic downturns for “being a deadweight on the economy”, and effectively calling them not workers. All while fetishizing CEOs of companies that do “real work” because they sometimes photo themselves in a designer-made “dirty” worker’s clothing (which costs like thousands of dollars) on the construction site.

    One of the most ghoulistic such incident was under a news report of a female employee cutting her finger off at a quite infamous Hungarian supermarket franchise, and how her bosses didn’t let her to leave for the hospital. One such boomer said it was right for her bosses to stay, because it’s just a “minor injury”, and scars from it would be cool to show for crying little boys that injured themselves during play. Everyone but other boomers bodied him, but you have to remember our country is being shaped for these very boomers that won’t live for very long, but are insisting on passing their trauma onto the younger generations.

  • Note that this is mostly due to the closed source drivers and nonexistent Linux support for smaller SoCs. Some manufacturers are quite good in that front (e.g. Broadcom/Raspberry Pi, Rockchip), with others you’re lucky if they allow you to use Linux at all, with no GPU drivers (which you often have to pirate the binaries, thanks ARM for making Mali a completely closed source project from its open source origins).

  • How can I find those more professional sites? I’d need some, as it’s sometimes hard to find info on OS API, as “it’s bad practice to not use Johnny’s Janky and Bloated Everything Library (JJBEL), that still handles XInput controllers through the DirectInput API, but it also has other extras”. I’ve had issues with RawInput under Windows (with that, in theory, I can use Xbox One/Series controllers to their fullest potential), and all I get is either SEO-ridden advertisements for existing libraries (which wouldn’t be a problem if they didn’t have massive problems), or tutorials for said libraries. Since I’m working with D, I have to interface to C calls, which wouldn’t be a problem if they were documented properly and in an accessible way.

    My own D native and less bloated SDL replacement’s (iota) development got halted for getting null for device pointers no matter what, and with no proper instructions on how to resolve it.