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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Modern Batman and Modern Superman.

    I won’t go on my 2 hour rant off everything wrong. But a short version is the writing for them is lazy and undeveloped. Both of them represent the most uninteresting form of a power fantasy. The modern Batman of ‘having a plan for everything’ and being this overburden angsty character is just awful. If Batman was a d&d character, he has loaded dice and is throwing that 20s on intimidation. And for Superman he’s just not interesting, because with the amount of power he’s been given and the amount of abilities he has the fact that lex luthor is somehow a villain of his is laughable.

    Batman used to be the world’s greatest detective. And for me the last time I saw Batman be Batman was the '90s animated series. And frankly the most recent movie The Batman also did a very good job I thought in that regard.

    Superman used to have limits. He was fast but not infinite speed fast. He was strong but not infinite strength.

    In both cases it feels like the people who write for these characters use one simple rule… This my favorite character so he win. Neither character feels like their struggles are earned, because the writing is forced. Like it used to be if Superman needed to save somebody you weren’t 100% sure he’d be able to get there in time, stop the bad guy save the people! Modern Superman is like, a being a hundred light years away, tripped and their falling! They need your help before they get a boo-boo and I have no doubt Superman would get there somehow and then save a hundred worlds along the way. (An over-exaggeration I know but I want to get the point across at how lazy I feel the writing is). Or the fact that anybody fears Batman when most of his villains barely fear him. You have members like Green lantern, Martian manhunter, Superman, and Wonder woman who act like in any way Batman is a threat to them.

    I’ll stop ranting cuz I can honestly go on. But I will say with the massive decline for me personally with these two, I’ve been far more receptive of some of the other DC characters that I used to overlook when I was younger. I can’t believe I 100% slept on the flash like that dude is straight boss. Or plastic man! So at least some good came of it.

  • Ideally I’d like to become a network engineer. I’m eligible to challenge the CCNA with a significant discount once I complete this semester.

    You’ll want to get some network project on there than for sure! And don’t wait on the CCNA if that’s the route you want. I assume you have the CCENT (if that’s that still a thing)?

    The website was something I threw together in order to document my networking labs and to feature my small homelab

    That’s some good stuff to add. There’s a ridiculous amount of documenting in tech. I spend a non-significant time updating people on my projects.

    I don’t know how I would properly showcase a OSPF lab on GNS3 in my resume

    Actually GNS3 and how you used it might perk up some interest. You’d just describe the overall project. Something like “Planned network design for OSPF in GNS3 first before deploying”

    I’m not really interested in programming and I’ve been thinking of removing the Java project entirely from my resume.

    That’s backwards. Cisco is moving where knowing programing will be what separates the techs from the engineers. And there’s a decent chance you’ll be working with non-Cisco devices too (virtual networks like in vmware/aws/gcp/azure) as well. Highlighting you can code is going to set you apart.

    So my take away, is down play the website a little bit. Just stress that you developed your own project tracker with it. But for certain add in some network project(s).

  • I’ll give you my thoughts as someone who’s sat in as part of the tech interview portion. And I don’t want what’s below to discourage you as you are seeking that internship which will be great to add and really fill that thing out. An internship should grant you a lot of leniency during the interviews. But I’ll give you my thoughts ignoring that fact, more like what you’d expect once you’re done with the internship and your resume was sent to me for consideration.

    What is it you want to do in IT? Generally, I’d say you want to sort of customize the resume to highlight what they might be looking for. For example, for your windows domain section, you list Active Directory and Powershell. Did you add to anything? Create anything? Because if your powershell is just ‘Get-ADUser’ that’s not all that impressive. Writing a script that manages something in AD is. If you can apply something like that and sort of pull out “deployed multiple users” and “updated a GPO”… because both of those things as worded is BAU. It would be weird if you listed “Deployed multiple user accounts in all the wrong OU’s”. You say in their appropriate OUs… how was that determined? What was special for the website, what did it do, what was it’s purpose? You list it but there’s no details so I’d be left to assume you wrote a “Hello World” basic HTML with <html><body><h1>Hello World</h1>… with CSS changing the background to a solid color. What exactly did the bash script do? Why a script and not just a shell command?

    You will absolutely need to be ready to fully explain any of these. How did an ArrayList determine the difficulty? (For example). How did you organize the OUs and GPOs? How did you manage the AD server? What was your DR plan and how did you test it? How did you set up the firewall and what authentication was in place for SSH? Were your linux machines on the domain or just the windows machines?

    I also see nothing about git or other version control system and that would immediately concern me. You list a few tools (ufw, cron, cerbot) but nothing like VSCode or IntelliJ, GitLab or GitHub. Or whatever tools you used. But again, add/remove things from your resume that best fit the roll you’re applying too. If it’s more programming, stress that more and the administration less (but don’t completely remove it, just work on emphasis). Was any of this a capstone project? Did you participate in any competitions (like Business Professionals of America… but Canadian) or really any competitions? What sets you apart from your classmates for a position at any company (internship or full employment). Also, this might be hit or miss with people, but it might be worth considering dropping the fast food all together from this and add an object about what your seeking from an internship. If asked about no experience, you can just say you have no prior relevant working experience in IT and that’s what your looking to gain from the internship. Because most managers I’ve worked with, would just look right past it since it has none of the keywords they’re looking for and I as the technical person, simply don’t care.

    Right now, you have no real world experience with this, just a bit of homework. Highlight what the purpose was of these sections, looping back, what was the purpose of the web site? What did the SSH have to do with the website that you set up HTTPS on? What were you backing up and why? Speaking just for internship, you may want to highlight your certs first and not your irrelevant fast food experience.

    Anywho, hope this helps. Getting that first foot in the door can be difficult, but once in and you start networking (not the technical kind, the interpersonal kind) it gets a lot easier. And as a tip, when you first get in a place, that’s the single best time to shine as that’ll propel your career. I don’t mean like do a bunch of free work. But I’ve seen people lose their jobs because they would party every night and then give low effort (or sleep) on the job. Play video games, at the job… taking an absolute excessive amount of smoke breaks (where any given hour they’re at their desk for 15ish minutes)… or do the absolute bare minimum. Express interest in projects (if you actually are), be honest, deliver a product you’d want if you were the customer.

  • Some friendships be like that. Usually it’s the case of me going out of if my way to help… Only for then to purposefully make terrible life choices.


    He was just out of jail and wanted to get on track. I got him a place to stay, a job, I even personally moved him (like drive, picked up his stuff), and got him an interview with the college. The choice, fuck his perole! Drinking, meth, and knowingly getting a warrant for arrest (to impress the ladies… And it worked) was way better.

    The list for her, would be too much as we knew each other for like 28(?) years. She’s a mom of a disabled teenage daughter. She thought it was a great idea to get into a relationship with someone she knew was a convicted child predator. I just cannot abide. (I called CPS)