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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2024


  • I occasionally go through my old comments to see how things got received, see if I could improve my wording, things like that. General communications skill polishing. It’s not consuming as much as critically reviewing, but whatever.

    Since I’m adding engagement on lemmy, and I do put some effort in to be amusing or informative or whatever (usually anyway), yes I do feel like I am helping. If I was on reddit or something, not so much.

  • My guess would be self-replicating biological organisms capable of significant rates of mutation.

    But then my preferred solution to the paradox as a whole is basically the “nobody tries” idea.

    I don’t think there’s tremendous reason to try to make ones-self detectable at long distances. It’s an expenditure of non-trivial resources for an uncertain result. Since there isn’t really any robustly sound logic for making the attempt outside of dramatized sci fi stories, I imagine a vanishingly small percentage of occurrences of intelligent life would make a serious, high-powered attempt at any point.

  • Neat question. Hotdogs are sandwiches imo.

    That said, some types of investment provide additional advantages over simply appreciating in value. A stock can pay dividends, a house can be lived in, stuff like that. Could probably draw a distinction there. Additionally, some investments are guaranteed, like a savings bond. Could probably draw another there.

    If I had to draw some clean line somewhere, I’d probably try define gambling as situations where you’re not intended to be able to “win money” on average, where investments are. The line is drawn via intention though, not anything quantitative. So, pretty inherently fuzzy.

  • This works particularly well if you’re mostly a single issue voter. If you’re about the environment above all else, for instance, the Sierra Club’s recommendations are pretty solid. If it’s guns, guns and only guns, the NRA is your group.

    For small local races you might have to do some homework yourself though, Sierra Club doesn’t always discuss who is running for your local school board.

    They’ll usually have a website and other online presences that’ll let you get a sense for what they stand for. If its a really, really small community, maybe just send them an email or phone call and ask them.

  • My theory is that as people get more success in life, they tend to get “busier”. They have families, careers, hobbies they’ve invested time in, money to take travel vacations, etc. They just do more “stuff”. This results in less time and interest towards getting into arguments with randos on the internet.

    The internet is extremely accessible and economically inexpensive though, so almost everyone can get on here if they want, regardless of any personal degree of any sort of life proficiencies.

    Together, these factors result in it being the mass of humanity with some of the cream skimmed off. So that’s what we tend to see around us, the internet is the skim milk of humanity. Then to avoid all the watery garbage so prevalent everywhere, we further clump into more segmented communities where we can find more like-minded people to associate with, simply because that’s more enjoyable.

    This is one of the reasons I think it’s important to actually put effort into interacting on here, to try to help prevent it from worsening before we can address some of the underlying technical problems it has introduced into our societies.